Chapter 30 - Emilia

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I can't stop crying when I wake up, somehow having to say goodbye to Bel and Kor was worse this time than when I physically saw them leave Hadlau. Maybe it's the knowing that I'm pregnant with their child and that they won't be here.

"Emmy, it's okay. We'll see them again and next time it'll be in person." Lilas whispers holding me close as I cry trying to calm me down. Eventually it works and my tears stop although I'm content to stay quietly wrapped up in his arms for a while longer.

"What was that?" I ask not entirely sure how we'd been able to meet each other like that when we'd been asleep.

"Dream-walking a powerful magic. So powerful that only the Gods have ever been able to hold it overnight, the most that anyone else can do is an hour or two depending on the number of magic users working together."

"I'm happy they know. We can tell everyone now." I mutter managing a small smile as I look up at Lilas who returns it giving me a nod.

"Yes, we'll invite my uncle and Sliske over for dinner tonight and tell them. After that I'll have to inform the Council and then they'll likely make an announcement of it to the whole city. You'll get to tell all your ladies-in-waiting and I'm sure when you do they'll be very happy for you and will give you plenty of advice." The idea makes me laugh as several of my ladies have children of their own, some even grandchildren, so will have lots of advice to give me.

Secretly I'm most looking forward to telling my ladies, at least now that Kor and Bel know, because of the knowledge that they have. I've never spent any time around babies so I have very little idea about how to take care of one so I'll take whatever help I can get. Plus in the time I've spent with my ladies some have become almost mother-figures while the other younger ladies are like sisters all of whom I can't wait to share this news with.

Now that I'm feeling better we climb out of bed and get ready for the day. Lilas has a Council meeting this morning but I don't have anything planned for the day so I'll probably keep myself busy helping Nuela plan tonight's dinner. I want it to be something special since we'll be telling family important news.

A quiet breakfast later Lilas leaves for his meeting while I sit down with Nuela in the drawing room. I still have to tell her about the pregnancy before we can even start planning tonight's dinner, hopefully with her help we can get everything organised despite the late notice.

"There was something you wanted to tell me your Majesty?" She says taking a seat next to me.

"Yes." I can't help the smile that grows on my face as I get to speak with someone other than my mates or the Healer about my baby, "I'm pregnant." I blurt out. Silence follows for a brief time before she pulls me into a hug.

"Congratulations." She whispers into my ear, "That is wonderful news your Majesty." Releasing me from the hug she sits back a large smile matching mine on her face.

"Thank you, we're very happy. So far we haven't told anyone, we sent a letter telling Kor and Bel, so you're the first person other than them that know. Lilas and I are hoping to have Lords Magor and Sliske over for dinner tonight to tell them. I need your help to make it special?"

"Of course, did you have any ideas?" Together we spend a few hours planning out tonight's dinner. We start with the meal its self to give the kitchen enough time to prepare it, there ends up being an almost constant stream of servants delivering our plans to the kitchen as we came to an agreement on the number of courses and what each one will be. Luckily Nuela knows them both really well so we're able to get Sliske's favourite type of blood and give the kitchen time to prepare Magor's favourite meal for dinner.

"I think that's everything." Nuela states as we finally finish discussing decorations for tonight.

"Thank you Nuela." I say standing up needing a walk after sitting down for so long. I'll probably go out into the garden at least until Lilas gets back and we can go over to the glass houses as we'd discussed yesterday.

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