Chapter 25 - Emilia

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"Is it wrong that I'm a little bit afraid of meeting all the ladies today?" I ask Lilas over breakfast, thinking of the ten ladies that'll be arriving at the palace in a just over an hour together with Maryam. It's the first time I'll be hosting anyone here at the palace plus I've got to choose who'll join my ladies-in-waiting.

"Not at all." He reassures me, "I try to avoid being stuck alone in a room with a group of ladies so I'd feel exactly the same way my love." I can't help but giggle at the idea of him doing everything he can to avoid the ladies at court.

"Are you meeting with the Council today?"

"Yes, I'll be heading there shortly. It shouldn't be a long meeting though we're just going over where the army should be and organising where they can re-supply and meet up with the rest of the troops."

"Hopefully by the time you're back the ladies will have left. If not will you rescue me?" I beg to Lilas's amusement as he nods.

"Yes my love I'll rescue you. We could go out for a ride and find a nice spot to have lunch, no one will be able to find us there so we won't be disturbed." I nod happily at the idea looking forward to getting out of the city for a few hours already.

Finishing breakfast Lilas leaves for the meeting giving me a brief kiss before he's out the door. With the help of Nuela and Talindra I start preparing for the arrival of the ladies' arrival, mainly preparing tea, biscuits and cakes ahead of their arrival. Once Nuela has the refreshments well in hand with the maids Talindra and I go upstairs so I can get changed into something more appropriate for this meeting.

"They've started arriving, your Majesty. The first carriage has just pulled up." A maid informs me as we start making our way back downstairs. Nodding in acknowledgment I walk straight into the drawing room where everything is set up and waiting for the ladies to arrive. Taking a seat I smooth out my skirts as Tehlmar shows the first arrival in, to my relief it's Maryam who I quickly stand and greet even though I've only just sat down.

"Maryam. Thank you again for doing this." I greet as we take our seats. For today Nuela has had more seats moved into the drawing room to accommodate all of the guests and at her suggestion my seat is at the centre of them all and I sit in the middle of it with Maryam on a seat to my right. It should set a clear precedent as to who is in charge and that Maryam is my right hand and most valued confidant. Another worry I've been having is how much these ladies will listen to me, I may have been declared Queen but that was only a few days ago and I haven't spent much time around the court yet. Not to mention that I'm much longer than many of them and my background is much humbler than these noble ladies.

"Lady Brianna Davidson and Lady Zenobia." A footman announces opening the door to show them into the drawing room. The two ladies couldn't look more different but as Lady Brianna is human while Lady Zenobia is a dragon it's to be expected. Lady Brianna is perhaps ten years older than me and of average height with pale skin, blonde hair and blue eyes on the other hand Lady Zenobia is tall with tanned skin, black hair and emerald eyes plus a few scatterings of gold scales standing out from her skin.

"Your Majesty." They both greet dropping into curtsies in front of me. Despite my nerves I give them a small smile in return.

"Welcome both of you. Please have a seat." I indicate the available seats which they quickly occupy, "Do you both know Lady Hess?"

"Yes your Majesty. I've met Lady Hess many times." Lady Zenobia replies while Lady Brianna just nods.

"Please help yourselves to some tea, we also have some biscuits and cakes available if you'd like. We're still waiting on the rest of the ladies to arrive."

Quiet chatter fills the room as we wait for the arrival of the rest of the group. Next to arrive is Lady Tiana, a human girl only a few years older than me with brown hair and eyes followed shortly by Lady Nimel, a tall pale blonde elf with light blue eyes. They offer the same greeting as Ladies Brianna and Zenobia did before taking their seats and joining in with the conversation.

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