Chapter 36 - Emilia

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"I can't believe that I need new dresses again." I complain as Talindra helps me stand up so that Madame Joanna can measure me once again for new dresses. I've grown past the point of letting out the last ones she has made for me so the time has come once again for new dresses.

"Don't worry your Majesty I'll make sure to leave more room for these ones to be let out." Madame Joanna assures me although I'm sure that she's secretly loving this as it's very good for her business that I keep needing new dresses.

"With how big I seem to be getting we've concluded that the baby is likely Kor's. I wouldn't be surprised if I need another fitting soon." I grumble as much as I love my baby the past few months haven't been comfortable and it only seems to be getting worse. I'm no longer being sick in the mornings which I'm thankful for but it's been replaced by discomfort and restless nights when I can't get comfortable.

By the Healer's estimate I'm coming up to six months pregnant and I can't wait for the next three months to be over. My discomfort is only going to get worse the bigger I get although I love the feeling of the baby moving. The first time I felt a kick though a few weeks ago it was a surprise and I'd thought that something was wrong until my ladies managed to calm me down.

My ladies and I are sat in the palace drawing room working on some baby clothes and blankets, we'd brought some things but I love knowing that my baby will use something that I've made by hand. It soon turned into something that my ladies were eager to join me in doing and with so many hands working we've managed to produce more than I thought possible.

This afternoon we're focused more on embroidering the items we've already made rather than making more. We'd made more blankets than I could possibly use so some have been donated to various orphanages in the city at which point we've put a halt on making more. We'll have all afternoon to work on them though as Lilas is occupied with the Council.

Over the past few months the army has started working to retake Nerkise but so far little progress has been made. With Rhistel trying to stamp out rebellions throughout the kingdom his troops are scattered so there have been many little fights but nothing big. And the war won't end until Rhistel, whose proving very difficult to find, is dead and a Council has taken control of the kingdom once again.

I'm in the middle of embroidering a dragon onto a blanket when a strange feeling in my stomach makes me pause momentarily. It stops soon so I continue my work only to stab myself in the finger a few stitches later as the feeling returns stronger. Dropping the blanket I place my hands on my bump worried about what's happening. The movement draws the attention of my ladies who stop their own work.

"I think something's wrong." I say looking towards Maryam for help, she's had several children herself so maybe she'll know what's wrong. Seeing the panic on my face she walks over to me crouching down in front of my seat.

"May I?" She asks raising her hands towards my stomach waiting for permission. Nodding quickly she rests her hands on my stomach and not long after that feeling starts again yet Maryam smiles up at me. "There's nothing wrong your Majesty. That is your baby moving."

I can't help the few happy tears that escape as I marvel at the feeling now, no longer scared of it. The embroidery work is soon abandoned by all my ladies in favour of celebrating this milestone with all of them getting the chance to feel the baby move.

Madame Joanna works quickly with the help of her assistants which I'm incredibly thankful for as standing for too long is uncomfortable. Lately my ankles have been swollen and not much has been helping with that despite Lilas massaging them for me every night. Soon enough I'm able to sit down again and watch as Madame Joanna makes the final adjustments to a dress she'd brought with her, knowing me so well by now she'd been able to make an estimate of what I'd need.

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