Maybe You Shouldn't

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Juliette's eyes started to blur from her tears, so she decides to pull over. Stopping the car and leaning her head against the wheel to cry. She couldn't believe all those things Cal had said to her, it hurt her, and she didn't know how to recover from that. The girl she loved had pointed a spear to her heart, the same heart Cal had promised was safe with her, guess that was a lie. Sitting there with her head in her hands In a split second, Juliette had made a decision and the one thing she knew. She didn't want to care anymore and from that moment on, She wouldn't.

She lifted her head after hearing knocking on her window she turned and noticed it was Cal gesturing for her to open the door. Juliette opened the door and stepped out. Standing at the side looking at Cal wondering why she was there.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I was so awful to you. I was angry about what happened to my brother, and I did not mean what I said. I know I don't apologize often but Jules I really am. I didn't mean those things I said to you. I know deep down you were just trying to help" Cal ranted.

"You held a spear to my heart and told me you'll spend the rest of your life figuring out how to kill me and you stand here with an I'm sorry and expect me to forgive you let alone trust you?" Juliette said.

"I know and I know there's no excuse for me doing that, but I want you to know I would never truly hurt you. I was just angry"

"Apart of you will always hate who I am, you made that truly clear tonight. You never truly accepted me for me, and you probably never will. Goodbye Calliope" Jules said as she turned her back to walk to her car.

"I love you too" Cal shouted.

Juliette stopped for a second, the four words she had been dying to hear for so long rang loud in her ears just now, but after tonight they had no value to her anymore.

"Maybe you shouldn't!" Juliette said back still turned to Cal as she walked to her car, got in, and drove away from the girl she gave everything up for.

Cal stood there watching Juliette disappear into the distance before she broke down on the side of the road and start crying again. She had lost the person she loved, and it was nobody else's fault but her own.

After a few minutes when it felt like she had no more tears to cry Cal got up and walked back to her house. When she got inside there was no one else home but her brother Apollo. He saw the way his sister looked and held her in his arms as she broke down crying again. A few weeks back Apollo would have told her to suck it up and get over it because a hunter and a vampire should never be together but now, he would have been a liar and hypocrite if he said that. He watched the way his sister had been together the past couple of weeks and what they had was something way bigger than he thought they'd be and he'd be a hypocrite because a part of him actually started to like Elinor too but he didn't know what to do with that information or feeling now after what happened to Theo, he was conflicted.

"I messed up Apollo, I said so many awful things to her and now she hates me. I can't even blame her because a part of me really didn't accept her being a vampire but after hearing her say she loves me I realized deep down I'd love her no matter what she was" Cal said while being held by her brother.

"Listen, I'm the last person who should be giving you advice but what I do know is Juliette is your person and if you want her don't let me, mom hell even dad stop you. You only get one life Cal spend it with the ones who matter most" Apollo said feeling said about his brother.

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