It's About To Go Down!

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Cal and Juliette had woken up and decided to spend the rest of the day together. They went on a mini-date, then to the beach to watch the sunset before going back to Jules's house. They laid in bed cuddling until.

Both Juliette and Calliope sprung upright from hearing banging on the door. Calliope jumped out the bed when she heard her mother's voice on the other side of the door.

"Calliope Burns, open this door" Her mother yelled from the other side.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" She asked confused as to why her mom was at the Fairmonts house.

"Put this on now! Juliette, get up too and meet us downstairs" Talia instructed chucking a bag with gears to Calliope.

Calliope put her hunting gear on and both girls walked downstairs to be greeted by their parents and Elinor.

"What's going on?" Juliette asks then jumps when she heard a growl outside.

"We have been tracking a few monsters all day and they led us here. There's over a dozen of them outside" Calliope's father said.

"What the hell have you people gotten yourself into?" He asked looking at Margo and Sebastian.

"Us? Do we look like we would be mixed up with demons and monsters like that?" Sebastian argued.

"It takes a monster to know one" Jack argued back.

"Would you two shut the hell up!" Both wives said at the same time.

Their front door burst open and in walks Oliver, his girlfriend, and Freya.

"Hello, my dear family!"He said smirking.


*JUST A DISCLAIMER!. This is fanfiction, (If that's not obvious to some) the art of that is you can write the stories however you see fit. If you see something in the chapters that you deem "wouldn't happen", again! that's the art of fanfic. Just read the story and enjoy it or don't and move on to something else. What you don't like others might.* 

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