Heat Part 2

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Has soon as school was over Juliette bolted through the doors to her car. She wanted to get the hell out of there.

When she got home, she darted for her room before being stopped by Elinor.

"How was your day?" Elinor asked smirking like she was enjoying the agony Juliette was going through

Juliette rolled her eyes and walked up the stairs. She took a shower hoping it would help but the only thing it did was made her think more of Calliope. Nothing was helping her at all. She laid in bed thinking maybe sleeping will help

"You know you can't sleep away the problem right" Elinor said

Juliette jumped at the sound of her sister's voice standing over her.

"Leave me alone Elinor!" Juliette said covering her head with the covers

"Not when I'm trying to help you! Believe me when I tell you what you felt today is nothing compared to what you'll feel on other days if you don't try to fix it" Elinor said

"I'm not biting Calliope" Juliette said

"Then don't! Find someone else because that's what you'll end up doing if you don't" Elinor said

"No, I won't! I'd never cheat on Cal"

"You seem to think you have other choices in this matter. You only have 2 and since you refuse to choose the first one the second one will happen for you!" Elinor tried to reason

"I'm sure if you just explain to your human what's going on she'd be perfectly fine with helping. She was fine letting you bite her before what's the difference now, it's not that hard" Elinor crossed her arms and rolled her eyes

"Don't you get it Eli, it's not about if she'll be okay with it. It's about, I don't know if I'd be able to control myself and the situation, I'm in now might make it 10x harder" Juliette tried to explain.

"What situation?" Calliope said standing in the door way before walking into Juliette's room. Margot had let her in.

"Either you tell her, or I will!" Elinor said staring at Juliette

"Tell me what?" Calliope questioned

Juliette remained quiet so Elinor took it upon herself to say it.

"There's a time in every vampire's life where they go through what we call heat. Everything around us heightens sounds etc, our body feels hot, and our hormones are on overdrive. My dear sister here is going through it for the first time, but she didn't want to tell you because unlike regular vampires she'd have to drink from the person she sleeps with, and apparently, that's a touchy subject for her" Elinor said staring at her sister on the last comment before walking out.

"Is that why you were acting all weird today and also dry humping my leg?" Calliope asked sitting down beside her girlfriend.

"Sorry about that" Juliette whispered looking down

"Don't be! You can dry hump my leg anytime" Calliope said smiling. She was trying to lighten Juliette's mood

"What I don't get is why couldn't you just tell me that?" Calliope asked

"It kinda felt embarrassing and also the biting you part" Juliette said

"You don't trust that you'll be able to control yourself?" Calliope questioned.


"Do you believe that I trust you?" Calliope asked


"Then believe me when I say I know you won't hurt me! There are so many times that you could have but you didn't, and I know deep down you know that too" Calliope said holding Juliette's face in her hand.

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