Missing Memories Part 2

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"Do you..you not remember me?" Juliette asked her voice shaking.

"No! I don't, am I supposed to?" Calliope asked confused.

Juliette looked away from Cal to around the room, she couldn't look at Calliope right now or she would break.

"Hey! Who are you supposed to be?" Calliope questions Juliette again.

"I should go!" Juliette said before exiting the room.

"Wait!" Calliope shouted but Juliette couldn't stop. She ran to the waiting room where her family was and broke down.

The girl she loved didn't know who she was. All the memories and love they shared; Calliope knew none of it!

Her sister held her while she broke down! They didn't know what had happened.


"So, is anyone going to tell me who that girl was?" Calliope asked her family.

"She's..." Apollo tried to tell her before being interrupted

"No one you should worry about right now" Her father said.

Talia looked at him with a scolding expression.

"Baby what's the last thing you remember?" Talia asked Calliope.

"The night when we found out Theo was a vampire" She replied looking over at her brother. Calliope had no idea that Juliette and weeks were scrapped from her memory.

Her family looked around at each other worried! Her parents decided to go find her doctor to get more information leaving her alone with Apollo and Theo.

"What the hell was that?" Talia said to Jack as they ventured down the hall.

"What was what?" He asked pretending not to know what she was talking about.

"No one you need to worry about" She mimicked him.

"Listen! You might be okay with our daughter dating that vampire, but I'm not and never will. So, if we are lucky enough to get her to have no memory of that thing then why would I remind her" He said

"You know, I used to be just like you and that's on me! But then I realized my kids and their well-being and happiness means more to me than anything else in this world" Talia said

"What are you saying?" Jack asks

"I want a divorce and I want you out of my house as soon as possible" She replied before walking away from him.

They finally found the doctor who explained to them that memory loss can happen sometimes but in Calliope's case her memories might come back they just have to be patient and jog her memory little by little.

"What do you mean might come back?" Talia asks

"There are numerous cases where the patient never regains the memories they've lost and it's best they just move on and gain new ones" He responded.

"Move on? My girlfriend is laying in that bed with no idea of who I am and you're talking about her moving on" Juliette said walking up to the Burns and the doctor overhearing what they were talking about.

"I'm sorry, I know this is difficult" He tried to reason.

"Difficult? Don't talk to me about difficulties! You're not the one with a girlfriend who doesn't even know SHE HAS ONE!" Juliette yelled.

Talia pulled Juliette aside once she saw her green eyes flickering.

"I know this is hard, but you need to calm down! The last thing we want is for people in this hospital to know what you are" Talia reasoned.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! This is just a lot; she has no idea who I am, and I don't know how to deal with that" Juliette said.

"This is not going to be easy I won't lie to you! But you must have hope that it'll work out" Talia said

"And if it doesn't?" Jules asks

"Then you have a second chance of getting her to fall in love with you. If you truly love her, fight for her" Talia said

"A few weeks ago, you pointed a gun at me, wanting me to leave your daughter alone" Juliette said chuckling.

"Yeah, well a lot has happened in those few weeks" Talia said thinking of Theo.

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