Laced Silver

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Juliette had woken up first, prompted up on her elbow staring down at Cal smiling. She was happy they were okay again. They still had a few things to work through, but she knew they'd get there. She was wearing her heart on her sleeve fully this time.

It was time for them to get up and get ready, so she slowly shook Cal to get her to wake up. Cal grumbled, pulling Juliette closer and snuggling her face into her neck.

"Has much as I'd love to lay here and cuddle with you all day, we have to get ready for school" Juliette said attempting to wake the girl again to no avail. She did the one thing she knew might help.

"If you get up now, we can shower together" She whispered into Cal's ears.

Cal was up and out of the bed darting for the bathroom. Juliette giggled, walking to the shower. Fully prepared that they might be late today.


They managed to make it to school on time by only 10 minutes though. The day was going great. They managed to get through their English project presentation. Little hick-up here and there on Juliette's part from staring at Cal instead of remembering her turns to present.

They had lunch with Ben who eventually forgave Calliope for what she did to Juliette but was still wary and protective of his best friend.

The school day was over and all 3 were walking to Juliette's car they were stopped by Freya. Pulling Juliette aside she wanted to know why the girl hadn't talked to her all day and especially hanging around Calliope.

Juliette tried to explain to the girl that she and Calliope were back together, but Freya wasn't here for any of it.

"So you slept with me, bit me, and now getting rid of me" She yelled at Juliette.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you, it was never my intention" Juliette tried to reason.

"I love you" Freya blurted out.

Cal and Ben were standing to the side overhearing everything that was going on. Her head lifted staring at the 2 after hearing Freya's confession. Ben didn't know what to do. Has much as he was wary of Calliope he was still team Cal. He knew this other girl from nowhere and something about her rubbed him the wrong way.

"I'm sorry if I led you on but I don't love you, I love Calliope" Juliette said.

"If I can't have you Juliette no one can!" Freya said getting angry at the girl and everything she just said. This was never how it was supposed to go. Juliette was supposed to love her and only her.

Cal tried to intervene and pull Juliette away. Freya was pissing her off and she wasn't going to take a threat to her girlfriend lightly.

Has soon has Cal approached them. Freya held her hand out casting a spell on Calliope. Cal knelt holding her head in her hands screaming. It felt like her brain was on fire.

Juliette ran to her side to try and help.

"Let her go" She yelled.

"I can't believe you'd choose HER over me! The same girl who left you heartbroken you had to feed on a town of people to feel better" Freya revealed. She was fuming and the girl that was the cause of her problems had to pay.

Calliope dropped to her knees the pain she was feeling was becoming unbearable.

Juliette went into overdrive. Her eyes had turned bright green, and her fangs were out. She ran over to Freya and knocked her right in the stomach sending her between 2 cars. Lucky for them where they were no one could see them. Freya stood up, shocked that Juliette would attack her.

"Fine!" She said to herself. If that's how Juliette wanted to play this, then so be it.

She started attacking Juliette back. Juliette dodged, sighting the blows as they came until she heard Cal call her name. Distracted the next thing she felt was a knife in her side. She had to admit it hurt like hell, but she knew she'd heal so it was the least of her problems at this second. She continued fighting until she got the upper hand, her fist connected to the girl's face knocking her out.

Juliette dropped to the floor afterward realizing it wasn't just any normal knife that stabbed her. It was laced with silver and boy was it burning like shit.

The last thing she remembers is Cal holding her hands mumbling words to her before passing out.

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