Moms Getting Along

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Over a month had officially passed and Calliope and Juliette were better than ever. There was still the issue of Freya, which Juliette had to deal with because she vowed to get rid of the girl but for the time being, she'd focus on Calliope and her family. What's left of it that is.

She and Elinor were all her mom had left. They'd check in on their mom from time to time to make sure she fed instead of starving herself! Ever since her dad died her mom just remained cooped up in her room, wallowing in sadness.

Elinor had finally become the new keeper of the Malkia so she was off doing business a lot which left Juliette in charge of watching their mother but whenever Elinor was home, she did the best she could. She even stopped being bitchy cause she understood the pain her mom was going through.

It was another day of Juliette trying to get her mom to at least come downstairs to no avail.

Juliette plopped herself on the couch and sighed. At least she could say she tried. She stayed there for a while until she heard the doorbell ring.

She figured it had been Cal but when she opened the door it was someone, she had least expected.

"Mrs Burns, what are you doing here?" Juliette said staring at Calliope's mother.

"Talia is fine! And Calliope wanted me to drop her off, she's in the car coming" Talia said. Juliette saw her girlfriend coming up.

"Would you like to come in?" She asked Talia

Talia entered the home with Calliope behind her, kissing her as she got close.

"Awfully quiet here" Talia said looking around

"Elinor is on one of her council business trips and well my mom is where she's been for the past week now! Cooped up in her room" Juliette said feeling kind of sad for her mom. Calliope placed her hand on Juliette's back rubbing circles.

"Which way is your mom's room?" Talia asked.

"Uhm, I'll show you" it was strangled to Juliette why Talia wanted to know where her mom's room was, but she figured it wasn't a big deal.

She led Talia to her mom's room and then walked back downstairs to talk to her girlfriend.


Talia knocked on Margot's door before entering. She saw the woman sitting by a window staring outside.

"You're the last person I thought I'd ever see in my house again" Margot said

"Yeah, well you and me both" Talia said

"Why are you here?" Margot said

"To drop Calliope off"

"Yeah! I heard that, I meant why are you here, in my room?"

"I'm not sure, I figured you'd like somebody to talk to that's not your kids. Shocking I know, but I know a little about losing someone you love" Talia said, sitting down on the bed and looking at the other woman.

"You didn't lose your son! Theo is perfectly alive" Margot said turning around to look at Talia.

"I'm not talking about my son; I'm talking about someone I once loved. She was killed by a demon" Talia uttered, whispering the last part but Margot heard her.

"How did you get over it?" Margot asked

"I'll tell you that when I find out. What I can tell you though is that the pain becomes numb eventually and slowly you'll get better" Talia said

"And for now?" Margot asks

"For now, you feel, and you feel until you can't anymore! And sometimes it helps to do something that'll take your mind off it"

"Like what?"

"Come with me" Talia instructed.

She had got Margot to leave the room and down the stairs, they went.

"If I remember correctly, you owe me Pinot and lunch, but I'll settle for the wine" Talia said going behind the dining room bar and pouring 2 glasses of wine.

"And I'm supposed to trust that you didn't just poison this?" Margot questions.

"If I wanted to hurt you, do you really think poison would be the way I'd do it?" Talia asks

Margot stared at her for a moment then said "perhaps not"

Juliette and Calliope sat in the dining room watching their moms interacting wondering what was going on. On one hand, Calliope couldn't believe her mom was drinking wine with Margot and on the other hand, Juliette was just glad her mom left her room.

Talia had convinced Margot to have their drinks on the patio. She figured the more fresh air Margot got the better. They sat in silence for a while.

"Tell me about this woman you lost" Margot said

"It was before I met Jack. We met when I first joined the guild. Most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She was so confident and could kickass like no other! Everything about her drew me to her. She was everything to me and I to her. We went on this mission with bad intel. There was supposed to be one demon in that warehouse but when we got there it was 5. We fought like hell but in the end, one got her! It was tearing her apart before I got to it. She bleed out in my arms" Talia said thinking back on the memory, making her eyes water.

"I'm sorry!" Margot said realizing how sad the story was making the other woman.

"It's fine! I met Jack and had 3 wonderful, hard headed but wonderful kids" Talia said smiling.

"Yeah, so far, I can only say the same for Juliette. Elinor is working progress and I have a dead son who killed the only man I ever loved" Margot said downing her glass of wine before pouring more into the glass.

"What made you get over the fact about Juliette and Cal?" Talia asked

"Granted my daughter did fall in love with the enemy I'm still iffy on that but otherwise, I would have been a hypocrite seeing as I fell in love with a human too" Margot said thinking of her husband

"You?" She asked.

"I realized no matter what I said Calliope was hooked on your daughter and that wasn't going to change. I figured it was best to let my kids be happy and be there for them the best I could. Not that my soon-to-be ex-husband would agree" Talia said.

"Ex-husband?" Margot asked

"Yeah, I filed for divorce" Talia said

"Good! Maybe he wasn't good enough for you anyway" Margot said smiling at Talia.

Talia looked at her and chuckled


*Guys! I had to dedicate this chapter to the moms*

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