Birthday & I Love You's

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Calliope's birthday had rolled around and as much as Talia and Jack were no longer on good terms, they both agreed to put their differences aside and plan their daughter a party!

Even if it meant Jack had to tolerate the Fairmonts being there. Talia had invited Margot and Elinor too; she was iffy on inviting Elinor given what happened but she could put her thoughts about the girl aside for the time being.

Juliette was pacing back and forth in Ben's room trying to figure out what to get Calliope.

"I mean what would I get her, a switchblade?" She rants

"She's your girlfriend shouldn't you know?" Ben said

"If I KNEW I wouldn't be standing here now, would I?" Jules exclaimed

"Don't get sassy with me!" Ben said

"Sorry, I just.... Want to get her a great gift" Jules said finally sitting down holding her head in her hands

"Wrap yourself in a bow and gift her that" Ben suggested jokingly

"This isn't Christmas" Jules said hitting him.

"Okay, what does she like?" Ben asked

"She likes hunting, old movies, staring at the stars, and candy. That girl can eat a lot of candy" Juliette said smiling, remembering one date night Cal ate all the candy she had brought for both to snack on.

"Okay well, I think I have an idea" Ben said before relying the idea to Juliette. He was going to help her seeing as he was her plus one to the party.


Juliette and Ben had gone out and gathered everything they needed for Calliope's birthday gift before heading to her house to get ready together so all 4 could go to the party has one.

They had finally arrived, knocking on the front door. It was opened by Jack staring at the 3 women with annoyance.

"Do you plan to invite us in or just stand there looking like a jackass?" Elinor said

Before Jack could respond Talia came to the door and invited them in. Looking at Jack and rolling her eyes.

It took Talia some convincing to get Margot to come, she wasn't interested in being in a room full of human strangers she didn't know but the other woman was very persuasive. Elinor didn't take convincing at all, she wanted to attend so she could see Apollo. She wasn't sure what her plan was when she saw him, but she'd figure it out when the time came.

Ben and Juliette had walked in with a box in hand. Ben had asked Talia where he could hide it until needed and she told him to stash it in a back closet while Juliette went on her way to find Calliope.

She had ended up finding her in her room with Tess. They were sitting on the bed having a conversation when Jules walked in.

"Hey!" Jules said standing in the middle of the room staring at the two.

"Jules this is Tess, Tess this is Juliette" Calliope said. She could feel the awkwardness flowing around the room.

"You're the girl whose brother killed my parents" Tess said

Calliope turned and looked at her with a look that said "now is not the time"

"I'm sorry?" Juliette said but with more of a question. She didn't know about that, but Tess's parents did try to kill her and her siblings, so she wasn't sure what to say in the matter.

"You're sorry?" Tess said walking up to Juliette

"Okay! This is clearly becoming awkward and it's my birthday so can you please put what you're feeling for my girlfriend aside for one night! She had nothing to do with your parent's death" Calliope said standing in front of Juliette.

"Girlfriend? You're dating her?" Tess asked dumbfounded

"I am!" Calliope said

"You betrayed us for a vampire?" Tess asked.

"Okay! I never betrayed anyone! I'm still a hunter, that'll never change. But who I love is my business" Calliope argued

"Oh! so now you love her too" Tess exclaimed

"I do" Calliope said slowly. She had just admitted out loud in front of Tess that she loved Jules. Hearing herself admit it again to someone else other than Juliette and Apollo felt nice. Juliette heard it too, they both turned and looked at each other.

"I'm going downstairs! But hear me vampire, I might not like your kind, but my friend here apparently loves you for what reason I don't care to know! But if you ever hurt her. I will hunt you down and kill you" Walking in front of Juliette, Tess said.

"I'd like to see you try! And believe me, I'd never hurt Cal" Juliette said holding her own

Tess walked out leaving both girls in the room together in silence.

"So, you love me huh!" Juliette said jokingly smiling.

"You know I do!" Calliope said before kissing her

"I know, I just like hearing you say it" Jules said smiling again.


They had gone downstairs to mix and mingle with others. Cal introduces Juliette to some of her friends from her old life. Juliette was on a distracting mission while Ben had sneaked up into Cal's room with the box to set Juliette's surprise gift up.

So far everything was okay. Elinor was in the corner talking to Apollo and she had seen her mom going outside with Talia. She wasn't thinking anything of it because she had a job to do. 

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