Thinking Straight

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It was the middle of the night and Cal and Juliette coming back from a date night.

They needed it after everything they had gone through.

"Let me drive" Cal said, taking the car keys from Juliette

"Have you ever driven before?" Jules asked before putting her seatbelt on

"I have" Cal replied before taking off

Few minutes in...

"You're a terrible driver" Juliette uttered

Cal was stalling and wasn't staying in the right lane

"I am not terrible" Cal turned her head to Juliette to protest

"Calliope WATCH THE ROAD!" Juliette screamed

But it was too late.

The time Cal turned away from the road she didn't realize someone standing in it.

She pressed hard on the brakes and a guy flew onto the window screen and bounced off the car.


The girls got out to check.

Juliette leaned down to check if he was still sliced when she heard him grunting about being hit

"He's alive" She said

Calliope was silent the whole time

"Hey, I said he's alive, we should take him to the hospital" Jules said turning around to look at Cal

Calliope stood there, eyes red and fangs out, breathing heavy

"Cal you need to calm down" Juliette tried to reason, blocking Cal from approaching the guy

"Move!" Cal hissed

"No! You need to calm down" Jules said

The next thing Juliette knew, her girlfriend was flinging her out of the way.

Landing on the ground hard she got up groaning. Speeding to Calliope before she could sink her teeth into the guy

"LET GO OF ME!" Cal yelled, struggling in Juliette's grip

"No! Not until you calm down, if I let you go we both know what's going to happen" Jules said

"That's rich coming from you. You didn't calm down when you were slaughtering people" Cal hissed at her

"You're not thinking straight right now so I'll let that slide" Juliette said

Few minutes of struggling Cal finally stopped

"Okay I'm calm" Cal said

Sighing Juliette released her. Had she known what would happen next, she never would have

Calliope reached forward and snapped her neck. Watching her girlfriend drop to the ground before sinking her teeth into the conscious man.

*Sorry I left you guys hanging with this story. I wasn't sure how to continue it but now I do so I'll be updating*

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