Not Over Yet

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The Fairmonts and the Burns made it to the woods with Theo leading the way to the cabin.

Calliope checked on Juliette every 5 seconds to make sure she was okay. She was worried.

"Dragging $2000 shoes in these dreadful woods was the last thing I thought I'd be doing today" Elinor complained.

After walking for miles the family finally made it to the cabin. Entering inside everybody started looking around.

Theo didn't remember what the book looked like exactly so they'd be skipping through pages for a while.


A few hours had passed and they still hadn't found the book yet.

"Are you sure this is where you saw it?" Calliope asked Theo getting frustrated.

The sooner they found that book the closer they were to help her girlfriend.

"Yes! It's around here somewhere just keep looking" Theo instructed.

Elinor was completely over the searching, she plopped herself down on a nearby couch and watched.


Juliette was in a corner searching through books until she heard her name.

She turned around looking at everyone in the room to see who called her but nobody acknowledged her.

"Juliette" She heard again

"Does anyone hear that?" Juliette questioned

"Hear what?" Her mom asked

"Nothing!" she said returning to the books, choosing to let it go

"Juliette" she heard again

This time Juliette decided to investigate where the noise was coming from.

She walked outside the more she went the more she heard it!

She turned around looking back and forth but seeing nothing! She let out a sigh, maybe it was one of her side effects or she was just going crazy she thought.

She decided to go back inside until she heard behind her.

"Hello my love" Someone said

Juliette recognized the voice but there was no way that was possible. Turning around Juliette was confronted with the same person she thought she'd killed.

"Thought you'd never see me again huh" Freya said

"I killed you, how are you here right now?" Jules questioned

"Technically yes you did and I figured something like that would happen so I had a contingency plan. When you killed me I had vampire blood in my system. Courtesy of your brother" Freya said smiling

"But you want to know what's even more fantastic about now, is that I'm half vampire half witch"

"I swear you're like a cockroach, you refuse to die" Juliette said angrily

"You seem to haven't learned manners" Freya said angrily.

"That's okay, in due time you will I have a spell to finish" Freya said pulling out a pink syringe

Juliette's eyes glowed green, fangs out she was ready to fight.


Calliope rest the book she was going through and looked around the room for Juliette but no sign of her.

"Where's Juliette?" She asked everyone

"She went outside a few minutes ago" Apollo said

"And you didn't say anything?" Calliope asked walking out of the cabin to outside.

Everyone followed her to make sure everything was fine.

Just when the family walked outside they saw Freya stabbing Juliette in the neck with a syringe, her body going limp.

"What the fuck" Elinor said staring at the girl that she saw her sister kill.

"Get the hell away from my girlfriend" Calliope yelled running down the cabin stairs to attack

"I shall be ready for you next time" Freya said to Calliope before vamp speeding away with Juliette.

"Well I have good news and bad news" Theo said alerting everyone

"Worst than my damn girlfriend just getting kidnapped again by that psychotic bitch?" Calliope yelled.

"Yes!" Theo replied

"What! What is it now?" Calliope asked angrily

"Good news is I found the spell and it says we can fix this if we mix these ingredients and have Juliette drink it" Theo said

"And the bad news?" His mom asked

"If the caster does finish the spell the person under it will basically be at their will. It's a spell to alter someone's mind, consciousness, and personality however you want. They react and feel things they don't normally do" Theo said

Calliope looked at Theo like he just told her the world was ending.

"Well ain't this some shit!" Apollo said

First Kill (Cal and Juliette)Where stories live. Discover now