It Didn't Work

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Freya was surprisingly good at fighting but she couldn't beat Calliope that way even with being a vamp.

She knew that!

So instead she decided to play dirty to win.

Just when Calliope was about to swing her axe. Freya held her hand up

Calliope dropped the axe and held her head in her hands.

Capitalizing on the distraction. Freya vamp speed and slammed Calliope into a wall. Holding her by her neck and choking the life out of her.

The group tried to help her but Freya held her free hand up. Watching them fall to the ground holding their heads in their hands.

Because of her siphoning from Juliette earlier. She was able to do the spell to even a room full of people.

Feeling her vision failing, Calliope turned her gaze to Juliette.

If it was the last time she was going to see the love of her life she was at least going to die letting her know how she felt.

"I want you to know, I love you and I never stopped loving you" Calliope uttered out with tears forming in her eyes and shaky breath.

Juliette's eye flickers for a second. Moving from yellow to red to her normal green eyes

Calliope smiled, her Juliette was trying to break through.

Freya turned to look at what Cal was smiling at and saw Juliette's eyes flicker.

"Know that I'm sorry for making you feel like I never accepted you, I wish I had time to apologize to you more, you have always been the one for me. I have loved you since the day we met" Cal uttered

"Shut the hell up!" Freya yelled throwing Calliope to the ground.

Calliope coughed, trying to catch her breath

Before she could she screamed out in pain.

Looking down there was a metal pipe sticking out of her stomach

"NOOOOO!" Talia screamed

Juliette grabbed the axe and walked up to Freya

"Let's leave now my love" Freya said smiling at Juliette

Not realizing Juliette's eyes were no longer red.

Watching the pipe jammed into Calliope broke the spell.

Juliette's eyes made not have been red anymore but standing in front of Freya all she saw was red.

Jules swung the axe and decapitated her. Watching Freya's head roll.

"Breath honey you're gonna be okay" Juliette could hear someone say behind her

It was Talia holding Calliope.

Juliette rushed over to her girlfriend, grabbing her out of her mother's arms.

"Don't you die on me, DON'T" Juliette said, blood tears falling from her eyes.

"It's okay" Calliope choked out

"No, it's not, this is all my fault! If you never met me you wouldn't be here right now. This would have never happened to you" Juliette said crying harder

"I wouldn't change meeting you for the world" Calliope said

Juliette was going to let this be their end.

She pulled out the pipe, drowning out her girlfriend's scream as she did.

"What are you doing?" Cal coughed out

"Not giving you up so easily" Juliette replied before biting into her palm and dropping her blood into Calliope's mouth when she coughed again.

"I love you" Calliope said before closing her eyes

Juliette felt her girlfriend's body go limp in her arms but she said nothing! Cause she was waiting for her to wake up again.


An hour had passed and Cal hadn't woken up.

Juliette was frozen in one spot the whole time. She had zoned out

"It didn't work!" She said

"Honey we have to go" Her mother tried to reason with her

"It didn't work" Juliette just kept repeating like it was a mantra.

"Juliette, I know it's hard but we have to move her and go now" Margot tried again

Juliette slowly stood up, her brain finally processing that she lost Calliope, and just like that.

Her switch flipped.

"Honey, you okay?" Margot asked her, she could tell her daughter was strange all of a sudden

"I've never been better" Juliette smirked

"Oh no!" Theo said. He knew what had happened

"Juliette I know this is hard but turning your humanity off won't change what happened" Theo said

"Why not! I have nothing to lose now" Juliette smirked again before vamping out of the house to who knows where.

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