Your Here

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But what Juliette didn't know. 5 minutes after she left.


"Cal" Theo yelled surprised

"You're alive" Apollo looked at his sister shocked

"Took you long enough" Elinor uttered

To say everyone was surprised was an understatement. They really thought she was dead.

"Where's Juliette?" Was all Cal asked

Everyone went silent.


Cal was getting the hang of being a vampire now with the help of Theo and Elinor.

It's been over a week since Juliette disappeared. Cal tried tracking her from the strings of bodies she was leaving behind but as soon as she got there Juliette was gone.

She tried getting to her in their shared dreams but that didn't work either. It was like Juliette wasn't sleeping.

She got why Juliette turned her humanity off! Being a vampire now made her realize she probably would have too if she lost Jules.


She needed to find her girlfriend. To let Juliette know that she was okay and that they were okay. To switch her humanity back

But Juliette just kept slipping pass

To say Cal was getting frustrated was an understatement.

She was on another trail to find Juliette, this time she was determined to catch her.

She stood in the middle of a street blocking everything out so she could smell and listen for Juliette.

When she finally zeroed in on her location it led her to a motel.

Without even caring about the wondering eyes outside she kicked the motel door in.

There she found Juliette feeding off a naked girl.

Out of jealousy and anger, she gripped the unknown girl by the hair and threw her against the wall

"Get out!" She yelled. Giving the girl the chance to run before she did something worst to her

She watched the girl make a run for the door before turning to Juliette with fury in her eyes

"So this is how you coop with losing me? Fucking random bitches? Like that worked out WELL the last time?" Cal yelled

Juliette froze. She didn't know what to say or do, in her mind she thought she was dreaming.

There's no way Cal was standing in front of her

"Say SOMETHING!" Cal yelled again

"This isn't real!" Juliette uttered. Closing her eyes to try to get Cal to disappear. She didn't want this dream, she didn't want to be reminded of what she lost

But when she opened her eyes, Cal was still there, this time with a soft expression

"I'm really here" Cal whispered

"No! No, you're not! I watched you die, I-I tried to save you but it didn't work" Juliette replied stuttering and rambling

"Yes it did, you just left before it actually worked" Cal tried to convince

Juliette reached out and grabbed Cal by the neck slamming her again the wall

"You're not REAL!" She screamed

"Jules look at me, this isn't a dream. I'm here, I'm real and I'm yours" Cal said unfazed by Juliette choking her

"Cal?" Juliette questioned

"Yes baby it's me"

Cal watched as different emotions flickered through Juliette's eyes before she saw the eyes of the girl she's loved for so long

Jules quickly removed her hands staring at Cal as her tears started dropping

Cal pulled Juliette into a hug and watched as her girlfriend fully broke down in her arms

"Your here!"

"I am"

"I thought I lost you"

"You didn't"


They stayed like that for a while

"It's time for you to come home" Cal said

"Okay" Juliette replied without hesitation

First Kill (Cal and Juliette)Where stories live. Discover now