Not Getting Rid Of Me That Easy

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It was night when Juliette finally woke. She rolled over and saw that Freya was still in her bed. She shook the girl softly until she woke up.

"I know it's late but I'm starving do you want to order room service?" Freya asked Juliette.

"You could order for yourself" Jules said

"Don't you want anything?" Freya asked.

"Vampire remember I don't really eat regular food"

"Right sorry"

Juliette stared at the girl as she was talking to room service on the phone. She couldn't quite figure her out. She was willingly okay with coming into a vampire's room and put her faith in Juliette that she wouldn't have killed her. The girl was odd but for now, it was the least of Juliette's problems.

Room service came and while she ate, Juliette and she divulge into a conversation about anything and everything.

"Who's Calliope?" Freya asked.

"What?" Jules asked wondering how she knew that name.

"You kept calling her name in your sleep" Freya replied.

"Someone I thought I knew" Was all Jules said.

Freya could tell the name was a sore topic for Juliette so she dropped it.

"Where are you from?" she asked Juliette.


They spent the remaining of the night talking and going at it again and for one night only she completely forgot about the girl who still haunts her dreams.


It was morning and Juliette figured it was time to go home. She still had a life to get back to. School and a best friend who kept blowing up her phone constantly. When she got up Freya was gone. She figured the girl had gone to her room so Juliette got all her things to leave before she left she stopped by room 104 to let Freya know she was leaving. She knocked a few times and no one answered so she let it be and went to check out so she could get home.

Finally making it back home she saw her family in the dining room having breakfast and that family included her sister.

"Surprised to see little" Elinor said

"Actually yes"

"The wonders of what compulsion can do" Elinor said as she gave Jules a smirk.

Juliette didn't have time for this she just wanted to change and get to whichever period was left in the school day to get to.

"Not so fast" her father said.

"Where have you been?" He asked.

"Here and there" She answered before walking away. She didn't have time to be interrogated by her parents. She showered and changed and made her way to school in time for English class. She was dreading this class for one reason and one reason only.... Calliope.

She sat down in a seat and avoided the stares the girl was giving her from across the room but that only worked for so long.

"Okay class you'll be doing a group project go ahead and pick a partner" The teacher said.

Before Juliette could make it to sit beside anyone, everyone was already partnered and the only person that remained was Cal. "I must have bad luck" Jules thought.

"Miss Burns go ahead and sit beside Miss Fairmont" The teacher said from the top of the room.

"Can we talk?" Cal asked as she sat down beside Juliette.

"We have nothing to talk about. Aren't you too busy trying to figure out how to kill me" Juliette whisper yelled at her.

"I told you I didn't mean that' Cal said as she tried to touch Juliette's hand.

"Don't! Let's just get this project over with" Jules said as she pulled her hand away from Cal.

"You have one week to get this project finished" The teacher said.

"It's a good thing you won't be here that long" Juliette said under her breath, but Cal heard exactly what she said.

"Actually, I will. My family decided to stay in Savannah" Cal said.

"oh, fuck me!" Juliette thought to herself. She was trying to erase this girl and now she's finding out she'll be staying in Savannah. 

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