Familiar Guest

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Day by day they would do a small part of the project and each day Cal would try to talk to Juliette with no avail. At night Juliette would drown her feelings in alcohol and feeding. One night as Juliette was snacking on her next victim she was stopped by Cal.

"What are you doing?" Cal asked.

"What does it look like I'm doing, I'm feeding" Juliette hissed at her.

"No! it looks like you were about to drain that guy look he's going limp" Cal said as she drags the guy from Juliette checking to see if he was still breathing. Luckily, he was.

Juliette ignored her and smacked the guy so he could regain consciousness before compelling him to forget everything. She started to walk away but Cal grabbed her by the arm. Juliette spun around green eyes bright, fangs out, and hissed at Cal

"Don't touch me"

"Or else what? We both know deep down even if you don't like me right now, you'd never hurt me" Cal said still holding a firm grip on Jules.

"Yeah, I guess that's the difference between me and you huh" Jules said pulling her hand away and walking away again. Before she knew it Cal had backed her against a wall completely over the back and forth. She was determined to get Juliette to talk to her even if she had to fight her to do it.

"I won't tell you again to get off me"

"Again, I'll ask, or else what?"

With a force, she pushed Cal knocking her off her feet. Cal stood up and started blocking every hit Juliette was giving applying some of her own. Juliette stumbled and Cal used it to her advantage to hold Juliette down. Their faces were inches away from each other it was like time had stopped for them both. Cal leaned down and attached her lips to Juliette's. Took her a moment to register what was happening but afterward she started to kiss Cal back. Both missing the lips of the other it was like they craved it. The blissful moment came to an end when Jules remembered why they were fighting. She pushed Cal off her and vamped speed away.

Cal sat on the ground smiling, it was progress as much as Juliette was acting like she wanted nothing to do with Cal she had kissed her back and that for Cal was progress.


It was the next day of school and Juliette was doing everything in her to avoid Cal. It was lunchtime and while she was sitting with Ben listening to him rant on about some new guy, he met she looked over and saw someone familiar. The person walked up to their table and sat down and that's when Juliette realized it was Freya.

"Hey, you" Freya said.

"What are you doing here?" Juliette asked confused as to how this girl she hooked up with a few nights back is sitting at their lunch table.

"I just transferred here" Freya said smiling.

"Are you going to introduce me or?" Ben asked after totally picking up the vibe from the random girl and his best friend.

"Ben this is Freya, Freya this is my best friend Ben" Jules said casually.

"How do you two know each other?" He asked them both.

"We met at a hotel" Freya said.

Ben turned to look at his best friend so many questions going off in his head. The main one was why was his best friend at a hotel and what happened between these two. Jules could tell Ben had questions he wanted to ask that she desperately did not want to answer right now luckily, she was saved by the bell.

The class had started and Freya decided to take the seat beside Juliette. Across the room was Cal staring at them both. She had seen them at lunch earlier and now beside each again in class. She wondered who this girl was and why was she so close to Juliette, has she watched Freya put her hands on Juliette's thigh under the table. Cal had the sudden urge to walk over and snap her fingers for putting her hand where it didn't belong but unfortunately, she couldn't do that here. 

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