Connected & Sensing Her

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Calliope was on her way to Juliette's house. She was at home waiting on her girlfriend to pick her up for their picnic, but Jules never showed. She called and her phone went straight to voicemail.

Arriving at the Fairmont's house, Calliope knocked on the door and was greeted by Elinor.

"Your girlfriend isn't here" Elinor said after opening the door and seeing Calliope.

"Well do you know where she is?" Cal asked

"She was going on and on about getting stuff for a date with you" Elinor said

"That's the thing, she never showed up! I figured she had come back here but apparently, she didn't" Calliope said, her mind wondering where her girlfriend could be.

"I'm sure she's fine!" Elinor said

"I don't think she is Elinor" Something in Calliope was telling her something was terribly wrong with her girlfriend. It was like she could sense it

Elinor looked at Calliope and then decided it was better safe than sorry to look for her sister. She couldn't deal with losing another family member

"Get in the car we'll go look for her then" Elinor and Calliope walked to her car, driving around to search for her sister.

"You know this is probably the longest we've ever talked to each other" Calliope said

"I might as well get used to it seeing as you basically attached to my sister" Elinor said

"So, I'm basically part of the family?" Calliope asked

"I wouldn't go that far yet!" Elinor said rolling her eyes


They had driven around to every place they thought Juliette would have gone and each person they asked said that they had either never seen her, or she came by and left a long time ago.

Elinor and Calliope were officially worried.

Elinor decided to track the GPS of Juliette's car. They arrived, pulling over to find Juliette's car abandoned on the side of the road no sign of the girl.

Elinor vamped around the area and into the woods, but still no sign of her sister.

"Well?" Calliope asked Elinor when she came back

"Well! nothing, I can't find her" Elinor said

Calliope looked in the backseat and the picnic basket with everything inside was there, Juliette's phone was on the car floor, everything just not her girlfriend

"Either she just up and left which is unlikely or something took her" Elinor said

"Someone!" Cal said

Elinor looked at her, eyebrow raised

"Remember the night when your brother showed up with his crazy girlfriend and the other girl, the one who stabbed me? ... She took Juliette"

"You seem so sure" Elinor said

"I am! She's been obsessed with Juliette from the start, popping up everywhere. If something happened to Juliette, it's because of her"


"Wakey Wakey my love" Freya said shaking Juliette

"Ugh what the hell did you do to me?" Juliette asked feeling her head pounding

"I just gave you a mild injection"

"Of what?" Jules asked

"A little something, I concocted. You'll start to feel the effects soon" Freya smirked

First Kill (Cal and Juliette)Where stories live. Discover now