The Talk

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They finally made it back to Savannah, Calliope and Elinor decided to take Juliette to Cal's house to avoid worrying Margot.

Still fast asleep Calliope carried Juliette into the house, Elinor behind her.

Talia sat in the living room staring at them like she had been there waiting.

"Where have you been?" Talia asked Calliope, it was after midnight

"It's a long story, let me just put Juliette down first and I'll explain everything" Calliope said to her mother darting for the stairs

"Would you like to explain to me where you guys have and why your mother called here thinking Juliette was here?" Talia asked Elinor

"Best you hear it from your daughter, do not think it will sound good coming from me" Elinor said

Talia looked at her confused.

Calliope laid Juliette in her bed and tucked her in before going back downstairs

"Well! Start talking" Talia said to Calliope

"Juliette got kidnapped" Cal said

"Excuse me?" Talia asked

Cal sighed and continued

"Juliette got kidnapped and Elinor and I went to get her, that's why I'm late" Calliope said

"By whom?" Talia asked

"Remember the crazy witch that stabbed me? She kidnapped Juliette but don't worry she's dead now. Juliette made sure of that" Cal said thinking back on the night

"Juliette got kidnapped by the same person who stabbed you and you didn't think to say anything to me, and you had her mother calling here. You said nothing to no one?" Talia yelled

"I told Elinor" Cal shrugged

"CALLIOPE BURNS" Talia yelled her full name. The look Talia gave her let Cal know her mother was not here for her antics.

"Sorry I didn't say anything, Juliette was in trouble, and she was the only thing I was thinking about" Cal tried to reason.

"Is she okay?" Talia asked

"She will be" Cal said more like hoping

"Go to her" Talia said waving off Calliope


Calliope went back to get room to find Juliette still sound asleep. She looked so peaceful Cal thought.

Calliope woke up to something hitting her, she turned around to find Juliette twisting and turning in her sleep, throwing her hands everywhere like she was in a fight with someone

"Babe! Juliette, wake up!" Calliope yelled, gentling shaking Juliette

Juliette looked at Cal with fear and relief in her eyes, snapping out of her nightmare.

"Are you okay?" Cal asked

"I had a dream that we were back in that basement, and she had hurt you" Juliette said getting emotional

"Well! that didn't happen, I'm right here, safe with you" Cal said holding Juliette's hand on her heart

Feeling calmer Juliette laid back down in Calliope's arms, her body was still exhausted after what she had gone through


The morning had arise and Talia was disturbed by an excessive knocking on her front door.

Talia opened the door to see Margot walking past her and stepping inside

"Come on in" Talia said sarcastically

"Have you seen my children? I figured your daughter would at least know where Juliette is. Elinor is another story!" Margot asked

"Both your daughters are here; I think you might want to sit down" Talia suggested

Margot looked at the woman confused but nonetheless sat down

"So apparently Juliette was kidnapped-" Talia started to explain before being interrupted

"What?" Margot yelled

"Let me explain!" Talia said demanding

"Juliette was kidnapped, and Calliope and Elinor went to get her. I had no knowledge of this until last night" Talia said

"Where is Juliette?" Margot asked

"She's still asleep in Cal's room, she's been through an ordeal I think it's best to let her continue to sleep for a while" Talia suggested

"Okay" Margot said


There was an awkward silence after that! The elephant in the room suddenly appears in both women's mind

"I think we should talk about the elephant in the room" Talia said breaking the silence first

"I've been with Sebastian for so long, he's the only man I've ever truly loved but when I kissed you that night, I can't deny that I did feel something" Margot said

"So did I" Talia said

"So where do we go from here?" Margot asked

"You just lost the man you loved and I'm going through a divorce, so we really think it's best to be jumping into something new right way?" Talia asked

"Nobody said we had to, but I believe we owe it to each other and whatever that kiss was to find out what this could be" Margot said

Talia pondered for a moment

"We could take it slow and see what happens" Talia said

Margot smiled, indicating she liked that idea.

*Sorry, I hadn't updated in a while guys, I got sick but I"m feeling better now so I'll be updating more.* 

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