Ticking Bomb Part 1

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Few months had passed and Cal was getting more used to controlling her urges. They were even settling back into school perfectly after being assent for so long. She owed a lot of it to Juliette.

Well! At least she was until...


The school had a camping trip for Cal and Juliette's grade for a weekend. To say Cal wasn't thrilled about spending her weekend outside with a bunch of other teenagers would be an understatement but she was going to suck it up because at least she had Juliette with her.

"Camping trip is tomorrow" Ben brought up while walking with the girls

"Don't even remind me" Cal grumbled

"Don't be so grumpy, it'll be fun" Juliette said, nudging Cal

"Of course you would thinking being in the woods is fun" Cal said, side eyeing her girlfriend

That definitely shut Juliette up.

"Jules is right, camping is fun plus you get a weekend away from your families" Ben said

That did make a valid point to Cal.

Ever since her family and Juliette's started getting along, it started to feel like they were bundled.

Although her family still lived separately, a good amount of the time was spent with all 7 of them over at the Fairmont's house.


It was the day of the camping trip. Everybody boarded the bus.

Juliette went on before Cal because she had to turn back inside the school to get her headrest from her locker.

Entering the bus, walking to Juliette's spot. She saw a blonde girl sitting beside her, both laughing together.

Cal stood in front the two. Hoping the blonde would get the hint to move before Cal decided to open her mouth.

"It was nice to meet you but this seat is taken" Juliette uttered to the girl.

She'd never met this girl before. She was saving the seat for Cal when this girl settled herself in it.

Though the girl seemed cool from the short conversation they had. Juliette was trying to let her know the seat belonged to someone else.

"Of course it is! By me" The girl responded, smirking at Juliette.

Cal cleared her throated and glared at the girl.

"Who are you?" The girl asked, staring at Cal

"I'm the girl that's seconds away from dragging you out that seat if you don't move!" Cal threatened

"Excuse me?" The girl replied, getting offensive.

"She's my girlfriend and like I was saying! The seats taken" Juliette interjected before anything happened

She could see Cal's eyes flickering

"MOVE!" Cal uttered

The girl scoffed before moving out of the seat.

"I'll talk to you later" She said to Juliette before walking away.

Juliette intertwined her hand with Cal's as she sat down. Her girlfriend was moody and she didn't know if it was because she really didn't want to be on this trip or something else.

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