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The car ride home was quiet mainly because Juliette had fallen asleep.

She fell asleep in Cal's arms after breaking down. It was like everything had finally taken its toll on her.

Cal glanced at Jules sleeping figure from time to time to make sure she was okay. She really needed this sleep


It was late when they finally arrived home and Cal didn't have the heart to wake Jules up so with a content sigh she carried her girlfriend inside the Fairmont house.

She and her family had been staying there after the whole her turning into a vampire thing. She had other vampires around to help her with her new normal.

Her mom and Jule's mom had gotten closer, Apollo and Elinor were inseparable now and it just became ordinary for everybody.

Placing her girlfriend on the bed, she cuddled beside her with a smile. Everything might not be all that okay but she had Juliette back and for the moment. That was all she cared about.


Cal woke up feeling a presence near her. Opening her eyes, Elinor stood over her.

"What are you doing?" Cal asked

"Hate to break this up but wake her and come downstairs" Elinor said pointing between Cal and Jules before walking away

Closing her eyes and sighing, Cal lightly shakes Juliette to wake her up.

"You're still here" Juliette whispered, staring at Cal

"Yes and I'm not going anywhere" Cal said

"Don't say that"

"Why?" Cal asked

"Because I almost lost you, I thought I lost you"

"You ALMOST lost me. I'm still here"

"Aren't you mad, being turned a vampire?" Juliette asked

"I was at first but being with you and your family. It didn't matter anymore"

"Also, I can be with you forever now" Cal said, leaning down to kiss Juliette

"I love you" Juliette whispered but she knew Cal could hear her

"I love you too"


Making their way downstairs they were confronted by the whole family.

Margot pulled Juliette into a tight hug. She hasn't seen her daughter in so long.

"How are you?" Margot asked her

"Good, better now that I have Cal" Juliette replied looking at her girlfriend by her side

"So we're just not going to talk about how dear sister went full Jack the Ripper on over a dozen people? And you make me sound like I was the dysfunctional one" Elinor said

"Babe, not the time" Apollo whispered

"It's okay, I turned into the one thing I always criticized Elinor for. I'm not proud of it" Juliette said, holding her head down

"Oh don't be ashamed sweet little. You're a Legacy vampire, embrace your traits" Elinor said smirking

"Would you shut up!" Cal said glaring at Elinor

"Someone's gotten fangs and became snappy" Elinor said smirking more

"Elinor!" Margot called out giving her eldest a warning look

Putting her hands in the air to surrender, Elinor took a seat and remained quiet


"I wanted to talk to you both about the basis of Juliette turning you" Margot said looking at Cal and Juliette

"What about it?" Cal asked

"Has you know we're Legacy vampires, we're different from others and one of those differences is. Whoever we turn is sired to us. Has you are now to Juliette"

"What does that even mean?" Cal asked confused

"It means has of now you'll be linked to Juliette more than you were before. You'll be loyal, do whatever she says. She'll be able to draw you near whenever she needs you" Margot explains

"Wait, Juliette turned me too does that mean the same thing goes for me?" Theo asked

"Not exactly, you'll be loyal to her, yes but that's mainly from her creating you. With Calliope, it's more intense than that because she fell in love with Juliette"

"Oh" was all Theo said

"Everything you already felt for her before you turned will now heighten and it'll be even stronger when you're together" Margot said

Calliope remained quiet for a while, taking in everything she just learned.

She turned to Juliette and held her hand

Feeling sparks shoot through her body and the desire to protect and have Juliette near.

She smiled

"I could live with that" she said

First Kill (Cal and Juliette)Where stories live. Discover now