I Got You

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Juliette woke up with a terrible headache. Blinking a few times to gather herself.

Instantly remembering what had happened she looked around searching for Calliope.

Realizing she was laying in the middle of the forest.

Walking further she saw the back of her girlfriend, sitting down with the body of the guy beside her.

Juliette stepped to the body. She didn't need to check his pulse to know he was dead. If the bite mark didn't give it away, the fact that she couldn't hear his heartbeat did.

"Cal?" She called her girlfriend

There was no response. Calliope sat down, staring out at nothing. It was like she had completely checked out.

"Baby look at me" Juliette tried again. Bending down to meet her girlfriend's gaze.

Although Cal was looking at her, she was still zoned out

"Whatever you are feeling right now, know that it was an accident" Juliette tried to reassure her

After sitting in silence Cal finally spoke.

"Was it though? Was it truly an accident if I enjoyed it" Cal asked

Juliette remained silent for a minute. Trying to find the right words to say to her girlfriend.

"When I first killed I enjoyed it too! Granted he was a bad guy but it didn't change that a part of me liked how it felt" Juliette said

"You feel that was solely because of your vampire instincts. The caring, human part of you is still in there and within time you'll be able to hold onto both. I can't promise you that you won't lose control like that again but I can promise that I'll be here with you through it all"

"I love you" Cal said

"I love you too"


Juliette let Calliope continue processing what had happened while she got rid of the body.

After everything she's been through, that became something she got good at doing. Whether that was a good or bad thing, she didn't know.

"Let's go home" Juliette said after she was finished. Holding her hand out for Cal to take.

First Kill (Cal and Juliette)Where stories live. Discover now