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Cal walked over to the Fairmont's house in the evening to see if Juliette was back yet, hoping maybe she could talk to her. She knocks on the front door and waits. Margo opens the door with an irritated looked.

"Why are you here?" Margo asked.

"Is Juliette home may I speak to her?" Cal asked.

"No she's not, again why are you here?" Margo asks again.

"I wanted to speak to Juliette. Do you know where she is?"

"No! and if I did you would be the last person I would tell that. I don't like you" Margo said with disdain.

"What kind of mother doesn't know where her own child is?" Cal asks standing firm in front of Margo showing her she doesn't fear her.

"The kind who has a legacy to salvage after your family came here and started problems. I have a son who seems to fully lost his mind and a daughter in jail at the hands of the other. I'm sure wherever Juliette is she knows how to take care of herself. She's a Fairmont after all even if she tries to act like she isn't" Margo said before slamming the door shut.

Cal walked away from the Fairmont's house with worry. She had no idea where Juliette was and her parents didn't seem to care. Her mind started to wonder if something bad had happened to her.


Meanwhile Juliette was having the time of her life. She had discovered that just like Elinor she could compel people. It happened accidentally at first. She was drinking the blood of a girl who started crying any other time she wouldn't care but then she listened closing and realized the girl was pregnant. For a slight second she felt guilty because she knew she couldn't let the girl go but she also didn't want to kill a child so before she went to drain the girl, she looked her in the eye and said "wished you could forget everything that happened here" the girl froze like she was in a trance, and it suddenly clicked to Juliette that she had just done compulsion. So, she made sure to do it right. She compelled the girl to forget everything that happened here and go home and just like that the girl walked away.

Juliette walked into a bar and started ordering shots after shots. When the barkeeper thought she'd had enough, and hell-bent on not serving her anymore she reached over the counter in her drunk state and told him to shut up and hand her the bottle, and just like that he did. She took it smiling looking around the bar at everyone that was inside. She walked over to the door and closed it. She was about to have some fun. She went round and round to everyone in the bar drinking from them, not killing them this time though because that would cause too much attention that she had no interest in dealing with.

She drove out of Savannah and ended up in another town over. She was drunk and high drinking the blood of anyone in sight she found.

She stumbled into a hotel finally tired from all she's been doing from midnight today just wanting a bed to sleep in but not enough energy to drive home. She wouldn't either even if had the energy at least not today Savannah reminded her too much of the one person she spent all trying to forget. She paid for her room and walked to the elevator pressing the button. Before the door could close a girl stepped in. "She gorgeous" Juliette thought she didn't know she was staring until the girl said "Take a picture it'll last longer" She said as she smiled at Jules.

"I've been told beautiful women were meant to be stared at" Juliette flirted.

"You think I'm beautiful?" The girl asked turning to fully give Jules her attention.

"I do" Juliette didn't know where this confidence came from but she was rolling with it.

"What room are you in?" The girl asked boldly.

"106, you?"

"104" The girl said smiling.

The elevator dinged and it was time for them to get off. Both walked to their room door but did not go in. The girl stood like she was waiting on Juliette to make a move so she did.

"Do you want to come in?" Juliette asked. The girl smiled and walked over while Jules unlocked the door. The minute they were inside neither could keep their hands off each other. Has the girl made her way down to Juliette's neck she kept having flashbacks of Cal doing the same thing. She was trying her hardest to fade the memories because the last thing she wanted to think about at this moment was the girl who broke her heart.

"What's your name?" Juliette slowly breathed out enjoying the girl kissing her neck.

"Freya" she replied before kissing Juliette.

Juliette gripped her neck and threw her on the bed. Both discarding clothes off each other. Juliette kissed her way down Freya's body until she reached exactly where the girl wanted her to be, pleasing Freya until she came. She made her way up the girl's body kissing her again. Freya leaned into Juliette's ears and said "bite me".

Juliette froze for a second she wondered if she heard what she heard right.

"What?" She asked in shock slowly moving her body off the girl.

Freya held onto her so she'd stay still and said. "I've been watching you ever since you came here. You're not very discreet as you'd like to think. I saw you bite someone earlier I know what you are".

Juliette stared at Freya for a second. This random human she just had sex with knew what she was and was openly asking her to bite her.

"Don't worry I'm not afraid, you think if I was I'd be naked in your bed right now. I find you attractive and you being a vampire maybe just made you 10x hotter" Freya said.

Juliette thought about it for a second but her mind just said "fuck it". She leaned down fangs out and sank her teeth into Freya's neck. Freya gripped her shoulders and moaned. She was definitely enjoying this a little too much. She reached around for Juliette's hand and guided it to her front. They both spent hours having sex and Juliette biting her from time to time.

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