Accepting Nature

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Cal had woken up in her bed, not sure how she got there. The last thing she remembers was her parents getting back and arguing over where her mom took Theo and her threatening to fight her dad if he ever touched a hair on her son. The only upside to the night was that she finally convinced them to stay in Savannah. Which meant if she had any luck of being with Juliette again staying was better than being across the world. She got dressed and prepared for school. Walking downstairs she could feel the tension in the room between her parents but for right now she had other things on her mind than her parents' drama. Her mom told her Theo was fine so at least she did not have to worry about him being dead again (partially that is). Has she walked out the door to head to school she got a thumbs up from Apollo she assumed it was his way of saying good luck?

She went to school walking into English class waiting to spot Juliette but as the class went on she never did. She never came to school at all. She spotted Ben talking to some guy outside and walked up to ask him if he had seen Juliette at all. Ben turned around and pulled her to the side giving her a glare.

"Why so you can jam that spear in her heart for real this time," He asked with his arms folded.

Those words struck Calliope a little too hard. She loved Juliette and she really did not plan on hurting her but now even Ben knew what happened and he wasn't like her at all right now. She could not blame him though.

She tried to explain to Ben her side of the story but that was his best friend, so he didn't want to hear any of it.

"You know she came over to my house last night crying her eyes out because of you. You broke her heart. She gave up everything for you. Your family tried to kill hers and wasn't even mad at you, she killed someone to protect you. She turned in her own sister for YOU!" Ben yelled.

"And the only thing she got in return from you was insults, threats, and a broken heart."

Cal stood there quietly, guilt creeping in on her.

"But to answer your question no, I don't know where Jules is when I woke up, she was gone. I thought she went home to change for school but as you can see she isn't here and she isn't home either her parents don't even know where she is" He said before walking away.

Juliette had left Ben's house in the middle of the night because she couldn't sleep every time, she tried she had flashbacks of the night and it was something she wanted to forget. So, she started walking with 0 destination in mind. She stumbled onto two couples in their car parked at the side of the forest. Making out just looking happy and it irritated her. Before she knew it, she mashed the car window and pulled the guy out sinking her teeth into his neck and draining him. She heard the girl scream running out of the car into the forest trying to get away. Failing miserably by falling every few seconds. Juliette laughed to herself thinking "How cliché this is like a scene from a movie they always seem to fall". She vamped speed toward the girl grabbing her by her head. The girl screamed louder.

"Shhh don't bother no one can hear or see you" Jules said.

"Please I'm begging you don't kill me" The girl pleaded.

"Now see I kind of have to because there's no way I'm letting you go so you can shout to all who would listen what I did to your boyfriend back there"

"Please let me go I promise I won't tell anyone" The girl tried pleading again.

Juliette looked her dead in the eyes fangs out green eyes bright. "The last person who made me a promise lied so forgive me if I don't believe you" then sank her teeth into the girl's neck draining her dry. Has she thrown both bodies into the lake watching them be eaten by crocodiles she smiled like crazy because for once since the night started she felt something other than pain and she was ready to continue reveling in that feeling. She should have embraced her nature a long time ago.

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