Going To Be Okay

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Cal and Ben had managed to get Juliette in the car. Ben was driving while Calliope held Juliette's head in her lap in the backseat.

"Please be okay" Cal pleaded holding onto Juliette's hands. She started crying watching Juliette twist and turn in her arms fighting against the pain.

Juliette felt like her insides were on fire. She was burning up inside and out and the pain was only getting worst.

They had arrived at the Fairmont's house, Ben helping Calliope bring Juliette up the stairs and to the door before knocking. Juliette's dad had opened the door looking down at his injured daughter and ushered them inside. They carried her to her room before her dad left to get his wife. She would know what to do better than him.

Margo and Elinor ran into the room, Margo examining her daughter with a worried look on her face. She had asked everyone to exit the room, and everyone did except Cal. She stood her ground and refused to leave Juliette alone.

Juliette was going in and out of consciousness from the pain.

"Juliette I need you to tell me what happened?" Margo asked.

Juliette tried to explain to her mother what happened to her the best way she could through her pain.

Margo stood up staring down at her daughter, there was only one way to get her to heal faster and she didn't think she had the time to make it happen.... Unless.

"What! What is it? Can you save her or not?" Calliope questioned, worry washing over her.

"I can't but, you can" Margo said turning to Calliope.

"No!" Juliette had yelled out. She knew what her mother was insinuating, and she was against it.

"What are you saying. What do you mean I can?" Cal asked.

"The only way she'll heal faster is if she drank blood from the vein" Margo explained to Cal.

The room went silent.

"I'll give you a moment to decide" Margo said before walking out.

Calliope walked over to Juliette staring at her. She was battling in her head right now between her beliefs and her love for Juliette.

Her beliefs flew out the window when she heard Juliette scream. The silver was spreading in Juliette's body.

Calliope held Juliette in her arms and held her hand out for the girl to drink.

Juliette pushed her hand away. She couldn't drink from Cal.

"No! I can't" She shook her head and mumbled.

"Juliette, you have to! Listen I know this is the last place we both wanted to end up, but I'll be damned if I let you be in pain knowing I could stop it. I won't lose you, not today, not ever. So, take my hand and DRINK!" Cal said holding her hand out for Juliette to take.

Juliette with reluctance held Calliope's wrist and bite down.

She'd smelled Calliope's blood before, but she never imagined it would have tasted that good. Cal gripped onto Juliette letting her take as much blood as she needed. It was not as bad as she thought. As a matter a fact she felt a feeling she had never experienced before.

Juliette pulled away leaning her head against Cal's chest. A few moments after her breathing was slowing down and so was the pain. She closed her eyes drifting off to sleep.

Cal panicked for a second thinking it didn't work but calmed down when she realized Juliette was only sleeping. She held the girl in her arms resting her head on the headboard and playing in Juliette's hair.

She was going to be okay which meant they would too.


Ben had come in to check on Juliette before he went home. Cal had texted her mom letting her know where she was and that she would be staying.

She stayed in bed with Juliette for a few hours until the girl had felt better to get up.

They made their way downstairs where the rest of the Fairmonts were.

"How are you feeling?" Juliette's dad asked her before hugging her.

"A lot better than I did a few hours ago" She mumbled, turning to Cal and squeezing her hand.

"I'd admit hunter girl I didn't think you had it in you. I thought when it came to the test, you'd have let my little sister suffer before considering giving her your blood. I thought I'd have to drag the nearest body I could find off the street" Elinor said.

Both Cal and Juliette glared at her.

"Tell us again what happened" Margo asked.

Juliette and Calliope explained what took place at the school. Both parents took in the information. Margo then realized the girl who Juliette had described was her brother's crazy witch girlfriend's niece. She had done some digging into the girl after what had happened on the rooftop.

"Damn! I guess crazy does run in that family" Elinor said.

Calliope looked at her like she was one to talk about crazy people.

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