Anything But That

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The drive to get to Juliette felt like days to Calliope. All she wanted to do was get to her girlfriend.

"Are we there yet?" She asked Theo who was driving

"Soon!" He said

She sighed in frustration before leaning back to take a nap


"Hi baby!" Calliope heard

Turning around she saw Juliette

She was having one of their shared dreams again.

They were in her bedroom.

"I've missed you so much" Cal said walking over to Juliette and hugging her

"I miss you too!" Juliette said

"Theo thinks he knows where you are so we're on our way to come get you" Cal said caressing her girlfriend's face

"As much as I'm glad to hear that I don't think it'll be that easy" Juliette said shaking her head

"What do you mean?" Cal asked

"I've been trapped in my subconscious for a while now. It's like I can see and feel what's going on with my body but I can't control it. I'm trying really hard to"

"Try harder please, because I can't lose you" Calliope begged

"I broke through for a minute before I'll try my best to do it again" Juliette tried to reassure her

"Until then, just stay with me here a little while longer" Juliette said leading Cal to the bed to lie down with her

"I never knew how much I craved having you in my arms until now" Cal said, relishing in the feeling of having Juliette close.

"I need you to do something for me" Juliette said

"Anything! What is it?" Cal asked

"I've seen all the horrible things I've done while under this spell. If I can't break free of it, I want you to kill me" Juliette said with a serious face

"Anything but THAT!" Cal said

"I know I'm asking you a lot but I don't want to stay like this forever" Juliette said

"Your best option is for me to kill you? How could you ask something like that" Cal argued

"Cal please!" Juliette pleaded

"NO! I'm going to get you back and that's final!" Cal said ending the issue

Juliette sighed. She knew Cal would be stubborn about this but hoped if it came down to it, she would do the right thing even if it meant Cal had to be without her.

"Cal!... Cal!..." Someone said shaking Cal

"Goodbye, my love!" Juliette said sadly

"No! Don't go!" Calliope begged

"It's okay! You have to wake up now" Jules replied

It was the last thing Calliope heard before being shaken awake.

"We're here" Apollo said shaking his sister


The families pulled up to a weird-looking white house in the middle of nowhere.

"This place looks tacky as hell" Elinor said, voicing her disgust.

"We're not here to admire anything babe!" Apollo said to Elinor

Walking inside the house it looked better in than out.

That was until they came across a dead body.

Walking down the hall it was like a house of horrors. There was blood and bodies everywhere.

Suddenly they heard a loud crash!

Walking to the sound. They were hit with a sight they'd never thought they'd see. At least Calliope didn't.

There in the middle of the hall, Juliette was tearing witches apart while Freya stood by and watched.

"Juliette!" Calliope called out.

She stepped forward to walk over to the girl but was pulled back by her mother

"Don't! That's not Juliette right now" Talia said


"Well! Well! Well! Look who finally decided to join the party. Honestly, I've been waiting for you" Freya said with a smirk directing to Calliope

"Clearly I didn't beat your ass enough last time" Calliope clapped at her

"Well, I'm ready for you this time!" Freya said

"As a matter of fact, I'll make this more interesting. I told you I would get what's mine" Freya said

She walked over to Juliette and kissed her hard to prove a point

"Kill them! Kill them all" Freya said to Juliette. Pointing to Calliope and the others

First Kill (Cal and Juliette)Where stories live. Discover now