Losing Herself

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Elinor and Calliope were driving for over an hour. They were completely out of Savannah at this point.

Elinor had called her mother to pick Juliette's car up, omitting the details of why exactly it was there. She was trying to spare her mother the worry after everything.

The night was officially approaching and much to Calliope's hesitation at first, Elinor had decided they should pull over and the girl should take a nap. Calliope had become tired from the worrying and the wave of emotions she was feeling off Juliette. It felt like her girlfriend was losing herself and Cal could sense it all.

Laying back in the passenger seat Calliope immediately fell asleep.


Calliope fell into one of Juliette's dreams again only this time it wasn't all brightness and flowers.

It looked like the Garden of Eden except for this time it was like everything was dying. Springs and rivers were dried up, fruits and leaves were falling off trees and others were dying. It looked terrible.

Calliope found Juliette sitting in a corner zoned out.

"Juliette?" She called out

Juliette looked up at Calliope, her face looked drained and lifeless

"What's happening to you?" Cal asked.

"I'm changing Calliope, it's like everything I felt about happiness and us is fading away. I'm losing myself and I don't know how long I can hold on" Juliette said in despair

"You have to fight it" Cal said

"I'm trying, I'm trying so hard" Juliette could feel herself changing. It was like the person who she used to be, was turning into someone else.

"Stay with me please" Juliette pleaded with Cal

"I'll stay with you for as long as I can" Cal said

She knew she'd wake up eventually but, at this moment, if she could give her girlfriend any form of comfort so she would hold on just long enough for her to find her she would.

Calliope held onto Juliette as hard as she could relishing in the moment of having her girlfriend close even if it was a dream.

Calliope felt Juliette's body go limp in her arms. She looked at the girl and realized she was passed out. She didn't understand how something like that could happen in a dream. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her heart.

Cal jumps out of her dream from the pain. The pain wasn't necessarily coming from her but from Juliette. It hit her so hard that she started crying. She didn't know how much of this she could take

"Drive now" she yelled at Elinor. They needed to find Juliette quickly.


Juliette woke up from the feeling of a needle being jammed into her arm. She was tied to a chair this time watching her blood being drained from her body.

"What are you doing?" She asked Freya slowly. Her body had become weak

"You kept saying that bitch name in your sleep... again! So, I figured why not speed my plan up" Freya said watching Juliette get weaker

"What plan?"

"Second dose of that serum should hit you soon so I can't wait for that but in the meantime, I wanted to have some fun. You being weak and all means you'll want blood soon and what better way to give it to you than by making you beg to drink from me" Freya said smirking

"And I figured in your weak stay you couldn't try anything so win, win for me"

"I swear you've reached a new level of pathetic" Jules uttered

"Guess we'll see who's the pathetic one soon" Freya said

After a few minutes had passed Juliette's body was weak and starving, suddenly she smelt blood. Her head snapped to where the smell was and saw Freya standing over her with blood dripping from her palm.

"Go ahead tell me how much you want this?" Freya said taunting Juliette by rubbing her blood on the girl's lips.

Juliette's eyes glowed and her fangs were out. She was starving but she wasn't going to give in to the girl's demands easily.

"Not going to say anything?" Freya asked

Juliette remained quiet, looking anywhere but at the girl.

Suddenly the effects of the serum hit her like a ton of bricks. Starving, the blood and desire mixed together had Juliette in a frenzy.

Freya smirked when she realized the serum had kicked in

She held her palm up making a trickle of blood hit Juliette's face and lip. Juliette was losing control of her mind, senses, and desires.

She was fighting so hard against it but there was only so much she could do. She wanted blood and she wanted the girl.

Smirking again Freya leaned down and kiss Juliette. Juliette was hesitant at first, but it was like her body had a mind of its own and she started to reciprocate the kiss.

Juliette felt like she was outside her body watching everything in front of her transpire and she couldn't do anything about it.

She was internally screaming out to Calliope for help.

Freya held Juliette's face in her hand and straddled the girl's lap. She was about to enjoy this

Suddenly she heard the front door open and the door to the basement flew off, she turned around to see a pissed off Calliope and an angry Elinor.

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