Breakthrough & Fulfilled Promise

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Freya got off Juliette and turned to Calliope and Elinor.

"Get Juliette, I've got her" Calliope instructed to Elinor before going after Freya.

"Well! Well! Well! If it isn't the wannabe hunter" Freya taunted

"Oh! I'm about to show you just how much of a hunter I am"

Calliope swung, hitting Freya in the face and then again in her side. Freya lost her balanced for a second before trying to hit Calliope back.

Every movement she made Calliope dodged with ease.

Elinor finally untied Juliette watching her sister drop in her arms.


Freya was getting frustrated, with every move she made Calliope dodged and came back at her harder. Freya was done fighting easily then.

She used magic and flung Calliope across the room.

Calliope's back hit against the wall knocking the wind out of her for a second but that didn't stop her from getting back up, charging at the girl

Seeing this Freya cast a spell.

"Incendia" Freya cast, setting the spot Calliope stood on fire.

Calliope backed away

Elinor vamped speed to Freya and threw her over the fire where Calliope was. No way she was going to let this witch avoid getting her ass kicked

Calliope grabbed Freya by the neck after she fell and started choking her. Calliope was choking the life out of her for everything she put her girlfriend and her through.

Calliope was showing no mercy to this witch!

Freya tried to claw against Calliope's hand to free herself, fear evident in her eyes. She used her spare hand to cast bringing the fire closer which distracted Calliope for a second. Long enough for Freya to use her foot and kick Calliope knocking her off balance which as a result made Cal drop her hold.

"Juliette help!" Freya called out

The toxin inside Juliette was still active which meant Juliette was swimming in a mind dizzy desire and emotions for Freya.

Juliette vamp speed throwing Calliope across the room standing in front of Freya for protection

Calliope and Elinor were shocked but Calliope figured this was what Juliette meant when she said she was losing herself.

She looked at her girlfriend and the girl looked like she was in some form of zombie form. Under Juliette's eyes were dark and gloomy.

Both Calliope and Elinor attacked! Juliette stood her ground protecting Freya from both girls.

Juliette was a good fighter, but she wasn't anything compared to Elinor.

Elinor knocked Juliette to the ground and took the opportunity to attack Freya.

The witch was getting on Elinor's last nerve. Apart from the kidnap, Eli could see there was something terribly wrong with her sister and the witch was the cause of it so Elinor was going to make sure she paid for it. Nobody messes with the Fairmonts.

Juliette got up and went after Calliope. Cal dodge every move Juliette threw at her, never attacking back. She knew her girlfriend wasn't herself and it was breaking her heart to see her like this.

"Juliette, I know you're in there. Remember that time you held that bee in your hand and you told me to make a wish or when you told me you love me. The timing was shitty I know but remember how it felt"

"Or the time I lost my memories, and you spent the day showing me places we've been together. Which I still think the forest was a terrible idea to bring a memory loss person" Calliope said chuckling

"Remember the day we had a date, and we went to the beach to watch the sunset, remember how a baby turtle was getting left behind and you picked it up and ran to the edge of the water and put it in so he could get back to his family. That's the type of person you are. You're sweet and caring and stubborn at times but I wouldn't trade anything"

"I know it's hard, but I need you to fight it and come back to me. I love you Juliette more than anything. PLEASE!" Calliope said crying

Juliette shook her head to the side, memories of Calliope and her breaking through her mind.

"Cal?" Juliette called out

"Yeah! baby, it's me" Calliope said pulling Juliette into a hug. Juliette let out a sigh of relief, it felt like she was trapped inside her own mind and body but now she's free.

Even through her fight with Elinor, Freya saw everything that happened, and she was pissed. After everything, she worked so hard for.

She flung both Fairmont sisters to the side and went after Calliope.

"I'm going to end you once and for all" Freya said to Calliope

Just as Freya was about to cast another spell someone spun her around.

"I promised you I was going to kill you" Juliette said in anger 

Just as Juliette said that she reached inside Freya's chest and pulled out her heart.

All Juliette saw was the look of shock on Freya's face and her body dropped to the ground.

Juliette didn't know where she found the strength, but she knew for sure she wasn't going to let Freya hurt Calliope, not again.

She walked over to Calliope collapsing in her arms. Juliette was tired and hungry and weak.

Calliope rolled her sleeve up and held her wrist out to Juliette.

Juliette stared at Cal's wrist then at her. Juliette opened her mouth to say something, but the look Calliope gave her said "don't even try to refuse"

It was enough to shut Juliette up.

Juliette gripped Calliope's wrist and drank. Sighing to the taste and relief from her hunger.

"Hate to break up your little moment but I for one would not like to be burnt crispy in this tacky ass basement" Elinor said staring at the fire that's growing

Calliope picked Juliette up throwing the vampire on her shoulder before all 3 exited the house.

All 3 jumped into Elinor's car and drove back to Savannah.

Elinor looked through the rear-view mirror at Calliope and her sister in the backseat. Cal holding Juliette while she slept

Elinor might have had her doubts about the hunter girl at first but tonight proved to her that Calliope really loved her sister and that to Elinor, now made Cal family.

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