Not Giving In Easily

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Juliette woke up to the sounds of chanting. Opening her eyes she saw she was laying on a concrete floor in a circle.

"Good you're awake" Freya said

Juliette stood up to walk towards her but got knocked down by a barrier.

"Nice try but your not getting out of there so easy" Freya said smirking.

She had put a barrier spell around the circle to keep Juliette in. There's no way she was letting her get away from her again.

"Let me out of HERE!" Juliette yelled banging on the barrier.

"As soon as I finish my spell, then you'll be all mine. I have plans for me and you and I'm not stopping until I have it all" Freya said

Freya went back to chanting, and suddenly Juliette started feeling weird. Her head was foggy and mixed with emotions and thoughts she'd never have.

She held onto her head now piercing with a headache. Suddenly everything just went dark.

"There you are my love, exactly who you were meant to be" Freya said looking at a red eye, Juliette.

She had reformed Juliette into who she wanted her to be. A killer vampire who would serve and be loyal to her.

She tried getting the real Juliette to love her but since that didn't work she'll settle for a version of her making.

Dropping the barrier spell she commanded Dark Juliette to come to her. Juliette stood in front of her, looking at her with devotion.

Freya held onto Juliette's face and smirked.

"This is going to be so much fun". She said


To say Calliope was spiraling was an understatement. She'd learn that her girlfriend's whole personality and demeanor were going to be changed and to make matters worst she was in the hands of a psychotic bitch that doesn't seem to know when to leave what isn't hers alone.

"We need to go now! We need to find Juliette" Calliope said to everyone.

"I get that you want to find Juliette but we don't even know where to start" Apollo said.

"Maybe, maybe I can try sending her again like I did last time" Calliope suggested.

She went outside and sat down on the stairs, focusing to try and sense Juliette. She was at it for half an hour before finally giving up. She felt nothing and she was scared.

"How did it go?" Theo asked.

"Nothing, I felt nothing" Calliope said holding her head down feeling hopeless.

"Maybe there's nothing for you to sense" Elinor said.

"Don't you say that!" Calliope said reacting angrily.

"We should head home and devise a plan on what to do next" Talia suggested.

The Fairmonts and Burns drove back home in silence. The only thing on Calliope's mind was that she couldn't feel her girlfriend, she had no idea where she was or if she was okay.

She was in a rage and if she had to tear the whole of Savannah or the earth apart to get Juliette back, she was going to do it. She was DONE with people trying to separate them.


2 days had passed, two agonizing days for Calliope but the families had finally gotten a lead on Juliette.

There had been a string of murders going on in a few cities over. Each victim had their heart ripped out and symbols drawn on them.

At first, the family didn't think much of it until Theo did some digging and figured out none of the murders were random but instead particular. Each victim was a witch. Theo remembered which coven Freya and Carmen belonged to and no member from that coven was harmed. This leads him to think either someone with a thing for witches was killing them or Freya was eliminating her enemy witches. He chose the latter, especially after the description he got from a witness.

The family finally had a plan in play, follow the clues and murders and they'll find Juliette.


Freya had set out to accomplish her plans and so far they were going precisely as planned. She had a few more covens to take care of before her ritual was finished. Once she was finished she would absorb all the powers of those dead witches before it was sent back to the earth once it came.

The symbols and hearts were a part of the ritual, she needed the hearts for her sacrifices plus she also like seeing the way Juliette rips them out of someone's chest.

Maybe she'll have her do the same thing to Calliope. Freya thought, smirking.

After her ritual was finished and she absorbed all the powers of those dead witches. Freya would become the most powerful heretic ever to exist. There would be no one to stop her, she'll rule them all.

She'll do it with a fine ass vampire by her side. She thought looking at Juliette, who too was sitting in a bathtub in front of her.

They had settled at a house they came upon. After compelling the owners to let them in, they were now sitting in a tub washing away all the blood they were covered in.

"A new dawn is upon us my love, we're going to remake this world in my image and slaughter who dares to challenge us." Freya said relaxing in Juliette's arms.

"I shall have it all and have you there with me" she said turning around to kiss Juliette.

Freya continued to kiss Juliette, roaming her hands all over her body, enjoying being close to her lover again.

Just as she guided Juliette's hand to her entrance, her enjoyment came to alt when Juliette's eyes started to flicker like she was fighting.

Juliette's eyes flickered to green for a moment, in a split second she grabbed a hold of Freya's neck, throwing her off her and slamming her head into the side of the tub.

"Stop controlling me you bitch!" She yelled choking Freya.

Juliette knew she was losing herself again so before she went red she screamed in her mind for Calliope, hoping her girlfriend felt her just before everything went black again.

Calliope jilted off the couch it felt like she was shocked. All the fear, pain, anger, and exhaustion Juliette felt in that slight moment hit Calliope but the best part about it all. She now knew where her girlfriend was.

Freya was furious, her spell was flawless something like this never should have happened.

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