Juliette's Kidnapped

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A few weeks had passed, and Juliette's heat was finally. She sure didn't wish to experience that again anytime soon and Calliope would agree with her.

Juliette was out getting stuff to prepare for a picnic she wanted to take Cal on. She was driving to Calliope's house when she saw someone on the road. Lucky for the person, her reflex kicked in fast enough to press on the breaks.

She got out of the car to check on the person and when she realized who it was, she was in full rage mode.

"Hello, my love" Freya said giving Juliette a smirk

"I told you the last time if I ever see you again, I'm going to kill you. Seems to me you don't value your pathetic life too much" Juliette hissed; vampire eyes glowing.

"Ouch that hurt a little" Freya said holding her hand over her heart

"Like I'm supposed to care" Jules said

Before Juliette could get near her. Freya held her hand up setting Juliette's brain on fire like before.

This time Juliette wasn't going to let it stop her. She lunge at the girl, but Freya moved out of the way in time.

"Sorry about this my love but you didn't make it easy" Freya said before reaching behind Juliette and snapping her neck


Juliette woke up in a sim room, tied to a bed. She tugged at the restraints to try and get free, but it wasn't working and to make matters worse they were pure silver chains. Juliette could feel the chains burning into her skin but getting free was her main priority.

"I see you're awake" Freya said entering the room

"Let me go you psycho" Juliette uttered, still tugging on the chains.

"You know you say hateful things, but I know deep down you care about me. At least you'll stay here until you do" Freya said holding onto Juliette's face

"You must have lost your mind! What the hell do you want from me?" Juliette yelled flashing her face away from the girl's hand

"Isn't it obvious? I want you. All of you!" Freya said

"You're this desperate to find love that you had to kidnap someone to get it?" Juliette asked

This angered Freya a bit. She leaned forward and punched Juliette

"Don't talk to me like that! Please don't make me the bad guy, I'm just trying to get you to realize I'm better than her" Freya said

Juliette rolled her eyes, boy did she feel like she caused this on herself. Had she known she'd have stayed away from this crazy bitch.

"You're nothing like Calliope and you never will be! And if you think I'll ever love you the way I do her. You really are crazy" Juliette said

"You would rather be with someone who hunts your kind, someone who will never truly accept you for who you are no matter how many lies she chooses to tell you" Freya said in anger

"Than someone who accepted you from the day we met, someone who would never leave you. We could rule the world together, you and me!"

"Calliope may have her flaws, I never said she was perfect! Hell, I'm not even but I would choose her over and over again any day" Juliette said.

"Seems like you need a little time" Freya said standing up.

"I would rather die than love you" Juliette said with hate laced in her voice

"We'll see about that" Freya said before stabbing Juliette in the neck with a syringe filled with pink liquid

"What did you do?" Juliette's vision started to blur

"I will have you Juliette" Freya said smirking, watching Juliette blackout

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