Missing Memories Part 1

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They had finally arrived at the hospital, running inside with Cal as a few nurses and a doctor came to take care of her.

The Fairmonts had arrived a few moments later with Apollo and Theo. After everything that happened, he realized he needed to be with his family.

Everyone sat in the waiting room just waiting to hear any form of news.

Juliette was pacing back and forth, her nerves and worry getting the best of her. She couldn't lose Calliope, she couldn't, not now!

"Sweet little you need to sit down" Elinor tried to reason with her.

"I don't want to sit down Elinor I want to know what's taking so long!" Juliette said throwing her hands around frantic.

She was scared, she'd never loved anyone like this before and the thought of possibly losing Calliope was tearing her apart right now.

Elinor grabbed a hold of Juliette to try and get her to at least calm down, which didn't work because she broke out into tears, she didn't even know she was holding back! Elinor held her while she cried, wiping the blood away from her face every so often so it wasn't obvious.

After an hour later a doctor came into the waiting room and approached the families. Everyone stood up to hear the news.

"Burns?" He asked

"Yes! that's us" Talia responded

"Your daughter is out of surgery, it went well, we'll know more once she wakes up. If you follow me, you can see her" He said then leading them to Calliope's room.

The Fairmonts had stayed behind in the waiting room except for Juliette. Talia told her it was okay to come with them.

All 5 entered Calliope's room to see her. She was still unconscious but looked okay given the circumstances.

Juliette let out a sigh of relief, the girl she loved was going to be okay.

Everyone stood in the room in silence just waiting until Calliope woke up. When they heard her grunt, everyone walked over to her bedside.

"Hey! baby how you are feeling?" Her mother asked.

"Like I got hit by a truck" she replied acknowledging the pain she was feeling.

"At least you're going to be okay!" Her father said.

Calliope looked at her parents and then around the room. She saw Apollo and Theo but then she saw someone on her right she didn't know holding her hand.

"Who are you?" Calliope asked confused staring at Juliette.

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