After Effects

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Calliope woke up to the feeling of a lack of breath. Opening her eyes she saw Juliette standing over her choking her.

Juliette's eyes were red and it was like she was in a trance.

Calliope clawed at Juliette's hands to try and break free but the grip Juliette had made it difficult. Cal pushed Juliette as hard as she could knocking Jules over.

Cal sat up on the bed gasping for air before staring at her girlfriend. She had no idea what was going on.

Juliette stood up and approached Calliope again, eyes still red and a whole lot of rage radiating off her body.

Juliette lunged at Calliope, Cal rolled over to get off the bed still confused as to why her girlfriend was trying to attack her but judging by her demeanor and eyes Cal knew something was wrong.

Juliette was relentless in attacking Calliope, Cal dodged and pushed back for as long as she could until she realized Juliette wasn't letting up and she had to do something she never thought she'd ended up doing.

"I don't know what's going on but I want you to know I'm so sorry for doing this" Calliope said to Juliette as she watched her girlfriend try to attack her again! Cal grabbed a hold of Juliette and snapped her neck.

Holding her stilled girlfriend's body in her hands Cal let out a breath for a second. She felt guilty doing what she did but she did it to protect them both.

Calliope laid Juliette back in the bed and stayed up watching her. She was worried, whatever was going on with her girlfriend must have something to do with what that witch had done to her.


Calliope dozed off after watching over Juliette for so long.

Calliope woke up in the garden. She wasn't actually awake she was in one of her and Juliette's shared dreams. She was looking for Juliette until she heard

"It's not over" Juliette said from being her

"What's not over?" Cal asked

"Whatever she did to me! I can still feel the effects in my body but something feels wrong" Jules said

"I know, you attacked me" Calliope said

"I don't remember that" Juliette said

"Your eyes were all red and it was like you were in a trance" Cal explained

"I don't know what's happening to me" Jules said

"I don't know either but we're going to figure it out, you'll be okay" Cal tried to reassure her


The sun was shining brightly through the window which woke Cal up, much to her dismay mainly from still being sleepy.

Juliette had finally woken up, reaching around to rub her neck, she felt an ache.

"Are you, you again?" Calliope asked watching her from a distance, guarded just in case.

"I am" Juliette said

"Do you remember what I told you in our dream?" Cal asked

"I do and I'm so sorry for what I did" Juliette said, feeling terrible for trying to harm her girlfriend

"It's okay I know it wasn't actually you, but we need to figure out what's happening to you before another episode like that happens again" Calliope said

"I know"

"Also I need to tell you something" Calliope said

"Okay, tell me what?" Jules asked

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