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Margot sat in the dining room thinking. Her mind was running with so many thoughts, most of which had to do with Talia. She was still going through it from losing Sebastian, but she couldn't deny she felt something for the other woman.

Kissing Talia that night woke something inside her she hasn't felt in a while, she didn't know how to process all of this let alone what the other woman thought. Granted Talia didn't pull away when she kissed her, but Margot wondered if Talia felt what she felt.

Inside the Burn's house, Talia was going through the same spiral as Margot. The last time she felt this type of way was when she first met Irene at the Guild. She was trying to wrap her mind around it all. She never thought she'd have an attraction to a vampire, but that kiss was something else, something she was open to figuring out she just needed time.


Juliette was woken up from her body burning up. She was hot on the outside and cold on the inside. Her hearing and everything around her were heightened, her body was on overdrive. She got out of bed and went into the bathroom to splash water on her face. She didn't know what was going on with her. She walked out of the bathroom and down the stairs to find her mother or Elinor.

"Oh you look terrible!" Elinor said watching her sister drag herself down the stairs.

"I don't know what's happening to me" Juliette uttered.

"Do you feel hot? Hearing every little sound? Body feeling like you could jump on the first person you see?" Elinor asked examining her sister.

"Yes!" Juliette said shaking her head trying to muffle the unnecessary sounds

"Yeah! You're bodies in heat!" Elinor said like it was no big deal

"In what?!" Juliette questioned.

"Oh sweet little, do you know nothing about your kind" Elinor said rolling her eyes

"There's a time in every vampire's life when they go through heat. It can last a few days, weeks, or month". Elinor explains

"Did you just say weeks?" Juliette asked with her eyes wide open

"Yes! Or a month, also if I were you, I'd be cautious, your heat also has effects on humans! Your body will give off this aroma that'll attract people to you"

"Could this day get any worst" Juliette uttered. Why was her life so stressful!.

"Oh yes, it can! Because you're a legacy it works a little different for us you also must drink from the person who you choose to sleep with" Elinor said

"No!" Juliette said quickly

"Well, you don't have a choice! Its either you're going to do it willingly or your body and heat is going to drive you crazy, and you'll jump the first person you see and bite them so if I were you, I'd tell your little girlfriend about your predicament" Elinor said

"Maybe I'll just stay home and ignore it" Juliette said

"Unfortunately for you, you have school which you're going to! And what did you plan to do, hide away in your room for a month?" Elinor questioned.

Juliette sighed, she knew she couldn't hide away from school for a month and especially not hide from Calliope.

She weighed her options for a second which honestly wasn't much and decided to just go to school. She figured it was the first day maybe it wouldn't be that bad.

Bwoii was she wrong!

The school day started off okay at first until the first period was over and the noise came back! It was like Juliette could hear everything everyone in the halls was saying, she could even hear a pen drop and every footstep.

Calliope walked out of her class and spotted her girlfriend in the hall. She could see there was something wrong with her but by the time she walked up to Juliette. The girl had speed walked to the bathroom.

Calliope followed Juliette inside to find out what was wrong with her.

Juliette walked inside the bathroom and locked herself inside a stall. She had seen Calliope approaching her in the hall and she took off to the bathroom to avoid her.

"Juliette! I know you're in there open the door" Calliope said from outside the stall door.

Juliette ignored her for a second thinking she'd just let it go but she knew her girlfriend better than that.

"Either you open the door, or I'll knock it down" Calliope said

Juliette knew the girl wasn't bluffing so she did. Calliope walked inside the stall, closing back the door.

"What's wrong with you?" Calliope asked.

Juliette just stared at her. There's no way she planned on telling her girlfriend what was going on. Partly because to her it felt embarrassing and the fact that she didn't want to put Calliope in another situation where she had to bite her again.

She could hear Calliope rambling on about something, but it all felt like muffled sounds. It was like she had lost all function of her own body. The next thing she knew she was dry humping her girlfriend's leg through her jeans

"Umm Babe, what are you doing?" Calliope asked. Granted she was okay if this was something her girlfriend was into, but it came out of nowhere and she was registering the fact that Juliette had a tight grip on her waist and breathing was all over the place.

"I'm sorry I can't help it" Juliette said

"You can't help what?" Calliope questioned watching her girlfriend try to pry herself off her but latch on again rubbing her hands all over her body and smelling her.

Juliette backed away quickly when her nose reached Calliope's neck. She could feel her fangs trying to pop out.

"Your eyes are glowing" Calliope said

Juliette reached for the door handle, pulling it quickly and running from the bathroom. She really couldn't be around her girlfriend right now.

The bell rang signaling the next class was starting. She sat down in a seat beside someone so she wasn't beside Calliope because she didn't know what she would do. Calliope walked in giving Juliette a confused look as to why she sat beside someone else instead of her. Nonetheless, Calliope sat in the row behind

With all that was going on Juliette had completely forgotten what Elinor had said about her aroma having effects on people.

The class had started and the girl beside her had asked to borrow a pen. Juliette handed it to the girl not recognizing the fact that the girl was staring at her.

Juliette jumped when she felt someone's hand on her thigh. She looked down and saw that it was the girl beside her. She pushed the girl's hand off but all the girl did in return was grab Juliette's and place it on her thigh. The girl leaned over and tried to whisper something in Juliette's ear.

"If I were you, I'd let go of my girlfriend and back the hell up" Calliope bent over the desk and said.

Juliette pried her hand away from the girl and backed away. She really couldn't deal with this.

Has the school day gone on nothing got better. She was asked out by 2 guys and 4 girls kept cornering, smelling, or looking at her with lustful eyes.

Calliope didn't know what was going on, but people were for sure pissing her off today with the way they were acting around Juliette. 

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