Birthday Drama & I love You's

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Talia took Margot and went outside for a walk, being around all these people and the noise was getting to her.

"How do you feel now" Talia asked

"Better!" Margot said

"Sorry, had I known this was going to be a lot I wouldn't have invited you to come" Talia exclaimed

"Oh, but you were convincing though!" Margot said looking at the other woman smiling.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you were flirting with me" Talia said jokingly

"And if I am?" Margot asked

They stood in silence for a moment, looking at each other, both their eyes darting from each other's lips to eyes.

"What are you doing?" Talia asks watching Margot lean in closer to her

"I don't know" Margot exclaimed before leaning in and kissing Talia.

Talia froze for a second, before kissing Margot back. Both getting lost in each other that they didn't hear when Jack walked up to them.

"What the FUCK!" He yelled!

They turned around and looked at him! Margot backed away from Talia not sure what she should do in this situation.

"So, this is why you were so open suddenly about welcoming vampires into our midst, why you're divorcing me? So, you can shack up with her and her deranged vampire kids!" Jack yelled

Margot's eyes glowed bright green! She was getting pissed off! Her family might not be perfect, but she wasn't going to stand there and listen to this man disrespect her daughters

"Don't talk about my kids" Margot hissed

"Or else what!" Jack yelled

With her hearing, Juliette could hear her mother arguing with someone. She grabbed a hold of Calliope and moved outside to where the noise was coming from.

"What's going on?" Juliette asked, watching her mom and Jack going back and forth at each other.

Elinor and the boys could see the argument through the glass window, so they went outside to see what was happening too.

"Go ahead Talia, why don't you tell everyone how I just caught you two kissing and the reason you chose to divorce me was because you want to be fucking this" Pointing up and down at Margot

"Don't talk to my mother like that" Juliette said

"No! This is the reason why I'm divorcing you! Your behaviour and attitude. You were never like this before. I understand you have hatred for vampires but the way you talk. I don't know who the hell you are anymore!" Talia yelled at Jack. She was tired of it all.

"So, THIS is who you choose to be with?" Jack asked not acknowledging Margot has nothing more than a monster

Elinor hissed behind him. She may have her differences with her mother, but she wasn't going to tolerate insults being thrown at her. Apollo put his hands on her back to try to get her to calm down. He didn't want anything to break out

"I didn't choose anyone but from where I'm standing! She'd be a hell of a lot better than who the hell you are now" Talia said walking away.

"Dad, maybe you should leave!" Calliope said! She understood why her dad disliked the Fairmonts but the way he was acting right now, was out of line! He was taking jabs at her girlfriend and her family and right now she had no interest in dealing with any of it!

Jack stormed off to his car!

Apollo and Theo followed their mother inside to make sure she was alright. Leaving Juliette, Calliope and Elinor outside with Margot

"You okay mom?" Juliette asked hugging her.

"I'm fine!" Margot said

"You know mom, I never knew you had a little gay in you" Elinor said smirking

Margot rolled her eyes at her daughter before smiling.


The party had come to an end quickly, Calliope was no longer in a celebratory mood. Everyone was heading home except Juliette; she got the okay from her mom and Talia to stay. Ben signalled her a thumbs up to let her know everything was set up in Cal's room before he left with her family.

They headed up the stairs but before they reached Cal's door Juliette told her to close her eyes because she had a surprise

Calliope was sceptical but she closed her eyes anyway. Juliette led her inside before telling her to open her eyes.

Inside the lights were dimmed and the brightest light in the room was coming from the ceiling! It was a projector reflecting the stars. On the floor was a little fort, a laptop plopped open with the movie Blade on display and a huge basket with all of Calliope's favourite snacks and candy.

"I couldn't decide what to get you, so I thought to put a few of your favourite things together. The stars, your favourite candies" Juliette said grabbing one of Cal's favourite candies and putting it in her mouth.

"And I got you something else!" Juliette said before handing Calliope a box.

Cal looked at Juliette for a moment then opened the box. Inside was a gold infinity necklace with hers and Juliette's names engraved on it.

"Turn it around" Juliette said

Calliope turned the necklace around and saw it had a date engraved in it too

"It's the date of the day we first met" Juliette said

Calliope's eyes watered, she was going through a lot of emotions at once but the main one she knew she felt was love.

She grabbed Juliette's face and kissed her. She kissed her with all the love and passion she felt inside and hoped Juliette could feel it too. Which she did

"I love you!" Calliope said staring at Juliette. It was a hard road to get to where they are now but she wouldn't give it up for anything

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