Your Wish

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Calliope panicked when she saw Juliette's eyes change!

It wasn't red instead, it was bright yellow.

She was processing what she saw she didn't realize Juliette was coming full speed ahead toward her.

Elinor stepped in front of Calliope kicking Juliette in the stomach and pushing her back.

"Snap the hell out of it!" Elinor yelled to Calliope bringing her out of her daze.

Juliette was attacking everyone who came towards her and to say they were losing against her was an understatement.

"I'm bored now! Come my love" Freya said calling Juliette over

"How about I make this a lot more fun" Freya said smirking from the side

She started chanting a spell.

The group looked around and every dead witch they passed before entering the hall was now standing in front of them has zombies

"Now this is what I called fun" Freya said still smirking

The group was outnumbered but had no intention of giving up, especially Calliope.

She wielded her axe and started attacking.

After what felt like hours they had finally destroyed all the zombies and it was down to Freya and Juliette.

"I believe you have someone that belongs to me" Calliope said pointing her axe at Freya

"I believe I do not" Freya shrugged

"Bitch I beat your ass once I will do it again" Calliope said

Freya held Juliette's hand and siphoned

"I would like to see you try" she replied smiling

The group attacked Juliette at once, they figured it was better to outnumber her than attack one by one.

Theo, Elinor, and Margot taking lead as defense seeing they can't die easily. While Apollo and Talia used their tactical skills.

Freya was all Calliope's.

Freya attacked first


Calliope watched a huge blast of fire shot from Freya's hand before dropping and dodging

She stood up quickly and attacked Freya with her attack.

She was determined to decapitate her.

Calliope swung her axe at Freya's head. Freya dodge it and kicked Cal in the stomach watching her fall.

"Why do you always seem to ruin things for me" Freya yelled at Calliope

"I wouldn't have to if it didn't concern my girlfriend" Calliope said getting up and ready to attack again

"Girlfriend? After the way you treated her! I accepted her from the start, I gave her everything she wanted, I LOVE HER!" Freya yelled

"You don't even know what the hell love is. If you did you wouldn't have to spell her for her to be with you! You know deep down she'll never love you. She'll choose me over and over again even if it kills her" Calliope said feeling sad after uttering the last part

"What the hell are you talking about?" Freya asked, becoming curious about Cal's last statement

"Oh, you don't know! She and me are linked. Whenever she falls asleep, I'm there in her dreams and she asked me to kill her instead of letting her remain in that darkness you have her in" Calliope replied

"You're lying" Freya said

"I'm not, and I promise myself I'd never do it but after seeing what you did! I'll rather know she's dead and at peace than alive and tortured" Cal said looking over at Juliette. She was content with giving Juliette her wish now.

Anger was evident on Freya's face. She fought hard to have Juliette, it didn't matter to her how and she'd be damned if she let Calliope kill her over some stupid dream.

"The hell you will" Freya yelled charging at Cal.

First Kill (Cal and Juliette)Where stories live. Discover now