Missing Memories Part 3

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After the whole ordeal at the hospital, Calliope was cleared to go home after 5 days had passed. Juliette would sneak into her hospital room at night to watch her sleeping. She missed her girl, the feeling of not being able to hold her and kiss her made her sad! So, if sneaking in and out of her room at night to watch her sleep was the best, she could do right now she'd take it. It also fuelled her more to get Calliope to remember what they have.

Calliope had started healing from her wound and after being cooped up in the hospital for so long she wanted to do something. Since training was out of the question, she settled for going back to school.

She went to English class and sat down waiting. She then sees the same girl that was at the hospital on the first day she woke up sitting beside her. She also knew about the girl sneaking into her room at night! She was a hunter; she would be a shitty one if she wasn't in tune with knowing someone was standing in her room at night. She knew the girl was there, every night like clockwork! She would have said something but a part of her sensed the girl wasn't there to harm her or anything so each night like clockwork Calliope would pretend to be asleep when the girl came by.

"You were in my hospital room when I first woke up" Calliope said breaking the silence between them.

"I was" Juliette answered.

"Who are you? I know about you being in my room at night by the way" Calliope said

Juliette stared at her after hearing that! She got lost in Calliope's brown eyes. Damn! Had she missed those eyes. She was broken out of her trance from Calliope shaking her.

"Are you going to answer my question?" Calliope asked again!

"Let's just talk after school" Juliette said! She didn't want to bombard the girl in the middle of their class.

The school day was over, and Juliette tried to get the hell out of there before Calliope saw her! She didn't know how the girl would react and for today Juliette just wanted to spare herself. Too bad for her the universe had other plans. The minute she turned the corner she walked right into Calliope.

"So do you plan to tell me who you are now?" Calliope asked.

Juliette sighed! She was either going to do this or not!

"Would you indulge me for a while?" Juliette asks

"Okay!" Cal said

Juliette led Calliope out of the school and onto the walkway where they first talked to each other. She positioned Cal where she was like before.

"You stood here the day we first talked to each other! You told me your name and I told you I prefer your name Calliope instead of Cal. You had a bee on your shoulder, and I scooped it into my hands and told you to make a wish" Juliette said re-enacting the bee scoop situation.

"Do you remember?" Jules asks

"No!" Calliope said. She had no memory of what Juliette was talking about, but she felt a tingle inside hearing about it.

Juliette sighed again for the day. This was going to be harder than she thought.

"Come with me!" Juliette said leading them to their second destination. They stopped at Juliette's car when she realized Cal wasn't getting in.

"Something wrong?" Jules asks

"You're asking me to get into the car of a total stranger" Calliope said.

"You said you'd indulge me for a while! Besides, do I seem like the type of person that would hurt you?" Jules asks

"I don't know what type of person you are" Calliope said but entered Juliette's car away because part of her told her the girl wouldn't.

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