Don't Mess With Cal

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School was finally over, and all Juliette wanted to do was get the hell out of there. She needed to feed. Has soon as she was making her way out of the school, she felt someone drag her into the bathroom. Soon as the person let go of her, she realized it was Freya. Before she could even get a word out the girl had started attacking her lips with kisses, roaming her hands around Juliette's body. She slowly pushed the girl off.

"Has eventful as this is, I need to go" Juliette said before making her way to the door. With her hand on the knob, she stopped after smelling blood. Turning around she saw Freya had cut her hand with a small knife.

"Come on, I know you want to" Freya said holding her hand out to Juliette.

"Was this girl crazy?" Jules thought to herself. First, she was so open to going to the room of a vampire, allowed herself to be fed upon, transferred to the exact school, and now offering her blood again for the second time in a school bathroom. All the flags were there but with the smell of blood polluting the air right now Juliette didn't care about anything else.

She walked over, grabbed Freya's hand and started drinking.

Calliope walked into the bathroom and witness what was going on. She had seen Freya drag Juliette into the bathroom, so she had followed them.

Juliette jumped, being startled by the intruder when she saw it was Cal. She sighed and walked to the sink to clean her face up. Handing Freya, a towel from her backpack for her hand.

Cal and Jules looked at each other neither saying a word until Freya broke the silence.

"You two seem like you know each other" she said.

"Yeah, this is Calliope" Juliette said pointing to Cal.

"Oh! you're HER!" Freya said emphasizing disdain.

Cal turned to the girl clearly caught her reaction but chose to ignore it..... for now

"So, you're just going around feeding of bitches now" Cal said staring at Juliette with a wtf face.

"Who are you calling a bitch?" Freya intervened, standing in front of Cal.

"The only bitch in front of me" Cal replied like it was an obvious fact.

"You know jealousy doesn't look good on you. It's not my fault Juliette likes me. Matter a fact she likes me so much she was calling my name a few nights ago and not yours" Freya said smirking in Cal's face.

Juliette's eyes widened after hearing what Freya just said. Looking back and forth at the two women.

Cal balled her fist up ready to swing at Freya until Juliette grabbed her arm. Cal glared at Juliette telling her to let her go.

"The last thing you want is to be suspended" Jules said trying to reason with Cal. Juliette slowly let go of Calliope thinking she had calmed down and she did until she saw that same smirk on Freya's face again. In a split second, she punched the girl right in the face before looking at Juliette and then walking away.

Juliette smirked for a second. Has much as she was still mad at Calliope she had to admit that was hot. 

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