Ticking Bomb Part 2

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The bus arrived at the camp site in the evening.

"Finally!" Cal said

Everybody looking for a spot to set up their tents.

"I'm looking for a spot far from you two because the last thing I need is hearing my best friend making sex noise while I'm trying to sleep" Ben said to the girls before walking away.

Juliette was red in the face while Cal laughed.

Juliette pulled out her tent and started to set it up. When she was finished she noticed Cal hadn't even started.

"Why haven't you set up your tent?" She asked

"Why bother when I'll be sleeping in yours?" Cal questioned

"We both know that but you still have to set it up to make the teachers think otherwise" Juliette replied laughing. Pulling Cal's tent out to help her set up.


Night had fallen and the students were sitting around the fire joking around and telling stories.

The chaperones settling themselves in a corner, drinking beer. Pretending to keep an eye on the kids.

Honestly they were doing a terrible job.


Cal was starting to realize she was getting moodier than usual when she saw someone around Juliette, more possessive.

She was never like this before. She was the jealous type yes but this felt way different.

"You okay?" Juliette asked her

"I'm not sure!" Cal replied, still trying to analyze what was going on with her.

Which was cut short when that same blonde girl from the bus popped up in front Juliette AGAIN!.


"Hey! Could you follow me to go pee?" The blonde asked Juliette.

"Why do I need to follow you?" Jules asked questionably

"I won't asked one the guys and you're the only one I know on this trip!" Blondie replied

Juliette sighed for a moment before saying "okay"

Cal turned and looked at her with "I know you're not serious" look

"I'm just trying to be helpful, I won't take long" Jules said to Cal

Before Cal could say anything else Juliette got up to follow the blonde.

5 minutes had passed and Juliette wasn't back yet and now Cal was started to get irritated.

She got up in search of her girlfriend.


"You know, I never got your name" Juliette said

She was following the blonde into the woods to pee and figured they might as well have small talk along the way.

"Raya" Said the blonde

"Nice name" Juliette replied

"Yeah! My mom wanted to have me and my sister's name similar. She thought it would bond us together"

"Oh! You have a sister, what's her name?" Juliette asked

"Had! I had a sister" the blonde replied. Her voice sounded almost menacing

"She was killed by the girl she loved" Raya answered.

Juliette stopped walking, her gut sensing something off.

"What did you say your sister's name was?" Juliette asked again.


Juliette turned around to look at Raya only to be knocked in the head by a branch

Falling into the ground, Juliette's vision started to get blurry from the hit.

"I've waited a long time to get close to you, but I won't kill you just yet. I'm going to take everything from you just like you did me" Raya uttered. Glaring at Juliette with hate.

"Starting with that family and girlfriend you love so much"

Raya leaned down to grab Juliette only to be knocked over by a blurred force.

"I knew I didn't like you" Cal said suddenly appearing to Juliette's aid

"Don't worry the feeling's mutual" Raya grimaced

"Who the hell are you?" Cal asked

"Your worst nightmare" Raya replied before vamping off into the woods.

"Who was that?" Cal asked Juliette after helping her up

"Freya's sister"

"There's another one of them?" Cal questioned with a sigh

"Apparently so" Jules said

"Judging by that vamp speed she's a heretic too like her crazy sister became"

"What did she want?" Cal asked

"To take everything away from me like I and I quote "did her". Jules replied

"I'd like to see her try! End up right along side her sister" Cal sneered


Cal might have been unbothered about what happened but a part of Juliette felt like Raya wasn't anything like Freya.

She was far worst!.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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