Typical gossip

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Robin was the furthest thing from perfect, to be perfect you actually have to do stuff right which robin had no luck in doing.

She spent most days at her shitty job stacking movie tapes out of pure boredom, nobody really came in unless it was the weekend because let's be honest, who's renting movies in the middle of the week?

If it wasn't for the company of her one and only friend Steve Harrington she would absolutely lose her mind. That's debatable because when he opens his mouth she feels like she's losing her mind even more.

Sometimes she thinks he must of traded his brains for looks, she can't see it but other girls clearly can. Before anyone makes a comment on why robin isn't in love with her best friend there's a simple explanation for that, she's more into the girls Steve dates than Steve himself.

She would never actually date them though, not only are they extremely straight but the girls Steve dates are the ditziest bimbos that Hawkins has ever seen, not a single thought floats through any of their heads.

Something really important people should know about Robin is that she has a lot of opinions. She likes to talk endlessly, she doesn't mean to but sometimes she finds herself not knowing where the conversation should stop. She doesn't really think before she speaks and that often gets her in a lot of trouble.

Robin would say she's Steve's closest friend, they spend a lot of time together and when your best friend is someone like Steve, you tend on knowing all their exes. That includes Nancy wheeler. Robin hated her with a passion, she was so stuck up, she lived in her little suburban house with her rich happy family, she got good grades and had everything laid out for her perfectly.

From what it looked like from robins point of view, Nancy didn't have a single problem to worry about so she thought she was better than everyone. Of course she worked for a newspaper, of course she was a journalist. Typical fucking gossip. Robin often thought but never said aloud.

Why does Nancy get everything handed to her on a silver platter? Why doesn't she have to work for a single thing in her life? Robin mostly hated Nancy because of freshman year, she ignored robin like the rest of the school. Why was Nancy pretending to care so much about barbs disappearance? Nancy was there the night barb went missing and if Robin was to take a guess it was no accident.

She wasn't saying it was Nancys fault and Robin and barb haven't been friends since they were thirteen but people don't completely change. They used to talk about running away from Hawkins together, having a little house in the woods so they didn't have to deal with the tole that is said to have hold over Hawkins.

They were best friends, that is until Nancy took barb away from her, it wasn't intentional but it goddamn hurt. After that Robin didn't really have any friends throughout freshman year. That being said she never really tried to make any.

Most of the people in her year either didn't know she existed or disliked her because she was very opinionated to say the least.

Robin didn't think Nancy had any right to be upset that day when she overheard her and the English teacher talking about barb. If you cared so much you would've been there for her that night, did she run away when you weren't looking or did you just not hear her scream, Nancy? There was so many things Robin wanted to say to her but she used all her strength to hold back on her opinions for now.
"Helloooo? Robin? Earth to Robin?" Steve waves his hands infront of her face until she snaps out of it "you okay? You like...went somewhere?" He asks as he helps her stack the tapes.

Robin nods and shakes the thought off, of that stuck up bitch Nancy wheeler "yeah just a lot of thoughts, ya know?" She half smiles and leans her elbows on the counter "this is so pointless nobody even comes in on a Tuesday" she mumbles.

She must of jinxed herself because as soon as she said that she heard the jingle of the doorbell announcing someone's arrival. She looks up from the counter. You have to be fucking kidding me. It was Nancy wheeler with that half smile on her face, it didn't look as sarcastic as robins but didn't look fully happy either. God that woman was hard to read.

Steve waves at Nancy and smiles "you remember Robin right? From band and worked with me at scoops last year?" He asks gesturing to his friend who looked deeply uncomfortable.

Of course she doesn't remember me you idiot. "Yeah I remember her" Nancy nods and tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear "so anyways Mike made me come here to get some action movie he said it has to have blood in it?" She laughs and follows steve to the action movie section.

Robin rolls her eyes, something about that woman annoyed robin to her core, she couldn't stand the way she talked, the way she acted, the way she fucking breathed.

She was going to have to get used to it if Nancy is friends with her best friend, she had a feeling she'd be seeing a lot more of Nancy and she did not like it one bit.

(A/N I'm actually so excited to start this story, I love writing about characters I'm really invested in, I hope you guys enjoy this story too, I hope I'll be seeing some of you guys I saw in my steddie fanfic! Stay safe my lovelies <3)

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