The aftermath

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The morning after the sleepover robin woke up in Steve's living room with an excruciating headache but as soon as she opened her eyes, who does she see? Nancy wheeler.

Nancy looks like she's been awake for hours which Robin thought was insane since it was only 8am. She sits up and sighs "I guess I should.." Robin holds back the urge to cringe as she finishes her sentence "apologise for last night"

Nancy looks over at robin and puts down her book "oh?" Thats all she says and waits for robin to continue talking. Steve left earlier that morning to help Dustin out with something that was apparently urgent, he didn't think Robin would be up this early from all the drinking the night prior so he assumed it would be fine.

She runs her hand through her hair and looks anywhere but Nancys eyes. She hated eye contact, she never knew where to look. "So I know it's obvious I don't like you very much and maybe I was a little harsh-"

"That's an understatement.." Nancy mumbled putting her book back in her bag and looking back over at robin who was struggling to find the words.

"It's nothing to you personally..well kinda, okay so I don't like a lot of people and you've probably guessed that by the lack of people at this sleepover but maybe I had too much to drink and I started acting like a jerk and-"

Nancy sighs and stops robin from talking "I feel like I have to stop you before you keep talking" she laughs moving closer to Robin "I get that you think I'm a total bitch because from the outside it does look like I get everything I want but I don't"

They both sit there in silence for a moment before Nancy continues talking "I think your cool Robin and I want to atleast get to know you"

Robin tried to stay quiet but she just couldn't hold back from what she was thinking "if you think I'm cool why did you and barb ditch me, I mean I know you didn't know who I was but you came along and-"

Nancy looks at Robin confused "you mean when we were thirteen? Is that really why you hate me? You forgave Steve for freshman year so why can't you forgive me for something I done when I was thirteen?" She asks raising an eyebrow

Robin sighs bringing her knees to her chest then looks over at Nancy "yeah okay..but don't think we are like friends or something I just don't want it to be awkward so I'll forgive you"

Nancy nods smiling "okay yeah-" she gets interrupted once again by Steve swinging the door open surprised to see Robin awake.

"So you guys aren't fighting? We all good here? Okay great" he smiles not even waiting for them to respond "so I agreed on both of your behalf's that you would come to the basketball game tonight?"

Robin groans throwing her head back against the couch "are you serious? You owe me big time" she says side eyeing Steve.

He shrugs and apologetically smiles "but you can see Vicky right?" He tried to make the situation better but it just made robin put a pillow over her face

She had no choice but to take Nancy back to her place to get ready, she had twenty minutes to make herself look somewhat approachable and she looked like she just crawled out of her grave.

Nancy just sat on Robins bed looking around at her room, she had a stack of cassette tapes messily overflowing on her bedside table, along with black nail polish that was nearly empty.

"I like your room" Nancy says quietly as Robin was rummaging through her closet trying to find her band uniform that was definitely shoved in there somewhere.

The nicer Nancy was to Robin the more nervous Robin got, it was much easier when she had a reason to despise Nancy wheeler but now she was being friendly and Robin didn't know how to feel about it.

"Uh thanks?" Robin says awkwardly, she didn't know how to act around Nancy. She normally hated people like her but now she was stuck being nice to her, there was something different, maybe robin judged her too quickly.

Something still bothered her about Nancy though, when Nancy looked at Steve, Robin could feel her chest tighten. Why did every girl look at Steve? When that happened robin just played with the rings on her fingers, she felt like she couldn't breathe but she couldn't figure out why. Why she cared who Nancy looked at.

(A/N Im so excited to be writing some ronance, it seriously makes me so happy, I feel like my writing here is shitty though idk, stay safe my lovelies <3)

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