The bleachers

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Robin had been forced to go to a basketball game since she was in band but she had managed to sneak away to the bleachers with Steve, Eddie and Nancy.

Of course Nancy objected to the idea before robin asked then she completely melted and agreed to it. She would do anything for robin even sneak off to the bleachers with Eddie the freak Munson.

There were a lot of rumours going around Hawkins about Eddie so Nancy was very weary around him. She didn't know what to believe but as a journalist she was always going to be suspicious but Robin told her to keep her mind open.

Robin on the other hand, shes been on the wrong side of the rumours that get spread around Hawkins all too much so she knew not to believe anything that came out of those gossiping bimbos mouths.

Unlike Nancy, the girls at Hawkins high would hear one thing and spread the word around like their life depended on it, they had no evidence to back it up but they didn't really seem to care even if it ruined another persons life.

This is why robin hated these type of girls and Hawkins high was full of them. Robin has had countless rumours made up about her and most of them weren't true, that is except the rumour about her being into girls. Although she would never admit that to them.
When the four of them finally got out to the bleachers Nancy sat beside robin and Steve sat beside Eddie. "So you're wheeler huh? Heard great things about you, I'm Eddie" Eddie extended his arm for Nancy to shake his hand.

Nancy just stared at him blankly "yeah, Nancy wheeler" but she didn't shake his hand until he got the hint and moved it away.

"Yeah I get it, don't know where this hand has been, well except robin unfortunately walking in on that" he turns to look at robin and winks.

That thought made robin shudder "oh god please never bring that up again, it made me wanna throw up when I walked in on that" she said rolling her eyes and turning the other way.

Robin gave Nancy a look to atleast try to get along with Eddie before completely shutting him out.

She put her arm around Nancy pulling her closer since there was nobody around to see, everyone was inside watching the game. Robin never got why people liked watching basketball so much, it seemed so boring to her and she was trying to avoid Jason and his goons after the incident outside Steve's house.

"I heard about what happened with Jason, that's fucked up. Need me to spray paint his locker?" Eddie offers and sticks out his tongue.

Robin laughs and shakes her head "I'm good, I've got into fights about this sorta stuff but it's never been this bad" she shrugged, if robin was being honest with herself that night scared the shit out of her. It showed her the reality of how bad the homophobia in this town could get.

Steve interrupts their conversation "I was thinking what about the four of us have a sleepover tonight? At my house, my parents are out and it'll be fun"

Robin quickly agrees thinking that this will hopefully help Nancy get along with Eddie. She loved Nancy but she knew how stubborn her girlfriend could be so this was going to be tough.

She turns to Nancy who was clearly about to make up some excuse to back out "please nance?" Robin says putting her hand around Nancys waist and kisses her cheek "it'll be fun, I'll be there" she whispers in her ear obviously trying to convince her.

She eventually agreed but it wasn't easy. It was settled, they were going to have their first sleepover together and hopefully Eddie and Nancy could get along.

Robin and Eddie sat there talking shit about some of the girls at Hawkins high and were goofing around walking around the bleachers while Steve and Nancy made fun of them.

"What dorks" Steve mumbled laughing to himself as he looks over at nancy who was smiling to herself. She really was in love with Robin, wasn't she?

Steve was really happy for them, Robin definitely deserved to be happy after everything she'd gone through and he could tell how happy nancy made her.

All four of them were just hoping this sleepover would go alright, the last thing they wanted was for there to be tension between the group.

(A/N this sleepover will be good! I hope you guys are excited, stay safe my lovelies <3)

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