What it means

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After the hour of awkward dinner conversation, Nancy and robin managed to sneak away to Nancys room.

After Robin heard the bedroom door close she leaned against the wall breathing in a sigh of relief. She could finally be herself around Nancy, it was just the two of them in her room.

Nancy walked over to robin, she was close enough that robin could feel her breath on her cheek. Their faces were inches away from touching, Nancy looked down at robins lips then back up to her eyes quickly "I'm sorry about this whole night I didn't think it would be this...awkward" she said softly with an awkward smile spreading across her face.

Robin couldn't help but smile, she felt so comfortable around Nancy at this point that she would forgive her for anything. She had trouble figuring out how she had ever hated Nancy in the first place, how could anybody hate Nancy wheeler?

She started to think that maybe her feelings towards her weren't as platonic as she had once thought. It was obvious at this point from how much she stared down at her lips, she just hoped for her sake that Nancy never noticed.

There would be nothing worse than being caught having a crush on a straight girl, a straight girl who is also your best friends ex. The whole situation put robin in a difficult situation. Why do these things always happen to her? She really had no luck with a love life.

"It's alright.." Robin manages to whisper looking into nancys eyes, she hated eye contact but she couldn't manage to pull herself out of this trance. She eventually moved away and sat down on the bed pulling Nancy down with her.

She had to move away from where they were standing because if she hadn't then she would've stood there staring into nancys eyes for the rest of her life.

"So how did you know?" Robin had heard Nancy ask, she turned to face her to see if she had heard her right. It was so out of nowhere, they had been sitting there in silence for a while then she asked that. "How did I know what?" Robin asks in reply

"That you..uh liked girls" Nancy whispered, she could feel her face starting to heat up. Was she making it that obvious?

"You questioning wheeler?" Robin asks teasingly and raises her eyebrow. She watched as Nancys face went completely red in a second. She was making her nervous.

She moved closer towards Nancy to see how nervous she could really make her. Was this a mistake? Probably but too late now.

"Um- r-robin what are you-" Nancy started stuttering watching robin move closer. She looked down at her lips then back up to her eyes, they were inches away from eachother now.

Nancy could feel her stomach flipping, her heart felt like it was going to leap out of her chest. She's never had anyone make her feel this way before, there's no way she could like girls.. could she?

"I'm kidding nance but why are you getting so nervous?" Robin laughed, she was having too much fun with this.

"I knew you were kidding, it's not like you could make me nervous anyway buckley" Nancy muttered looking in the opposite direction to hide her bright red face.

Robin raised an eyebrow "is that a challenge wheeler?" she asks grabbing Nancys waist pulling her closer, this took her by surprise and she looked up at robin.

"Shut up you aren't funny" Nancy managed to spit out, her heart was racing. She had never been this close to Robin before. She desperately wanted to pull her down and kiss her.

The girls could feel the tension filling the air of Nancys small bedroom. They both kept looking at eachothers lips then back up to their eyes. "Robin I-" Nancy had nothing to say, both girls knew there was something going on and there was nothing platonic about it.

Robin leaned in cupping Nancys cheek and kisses her, to her surprise Nancy kissed her back. Robin grabbed Nancys waist pulling her on top of robin as they started to make out. There's no way this was happening, she was kissing Nancy wheeler.

After a while the two girls pulled back and just looked at eachother. They had no idea what to say, it definitely wasn't something they had planned. "It wasn't a mistake" Nancy whispers, she didn't know why she felt like she had to confirm it but she wanted Robin to know she meant it.

After a few minutes robin quickly got up and grabbed her things, she was still in shock and didn't know what to do "I uh..I'll call you okay nance? I'll talk to you later?" Before Nancy could answer Robin was out the door.

She ran all the way home and stayed up that night thinking about the kiss, what it all meant, what it meant for the future of Nancy and Robin.

(A/N It finally happened! Why am I so excited? I wrote it, anyway I hope you enjoyed it! Stay safe my lovelies <3)

No luck// RONANCE Where stories live. Discover now