Returning to hell

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Dustin stood in the doorway of family video just staring at the two girls. He had gone there to ask Steve about the overnight science project that Eddie told him about. He wasn't sure why Eddie would want Steve there, he was pretty sure they hated eachother but Mike told him not to get Eddie annoyed before the tournament so he just dropped it.

He found Steve but he also found Nancy and robin for the second time. He had just convinced himself he was seeing things because he barely slept the night prior because he was calling suzie. His mom started to argue with him about the phone bills though so he eventually went to sleep.

But he knew what he saw, it was nothing shocking. He just saw robin kiss Nancys cheek but now he knew. He knew there was something romantic going on between the two of them and Steve knew about it.

He was just standing there so Steve eventually dragged him into the store and closed the door so nobody could ease drop on their conversation. "So you and Nancy-" Dustin said pointing to robin.

Robin just nodded trying not to smile at how embarrassed Nancy looked. She looked like she was waiting for the ground to open up and swallow her whole.

"Wait so- Steve is this why Eddie wants you to go to the overnight?" Dustin said as his eyes started to light up. He started to put two and two together, he never even would've thought Eddie and Steve could've liked eachother but it made so much sense now.

Steve quickly shook his head "No of course not! Don't be stupid Henderson" he tried to keep calm and was just hoping his face wouldn't heat up and give him away. He was dating Eddie but he didn't think everyone needed to know, especially in a town like Hawkins.

The only people who knew were robin and Nancy. "Wait what's an overnight?" He heard Robin ask so he turned to look at her, Steve was thinking the same thing.

"It's like a science project but you stay in the high school overnight and we need more people to help our projects so Eddie wanted Steve to help..wait! That means Robin you and Nancy can help us!" Dustin shouted as his face started to light up. This was just what he needed to win the science fair.

Robin groaned in response, when she left high school she promised herself she would never go back but she wasn't having much luck with that since Steve was friends with a bunch of kids.

Nancy slightly nudged robin to be nice, sometimes robin couldn't tell when something was too far. She would sometimes think that it's just a fact but it would come off as hurtful so she was glad to have Nancy to remind her. Even if it was a little nudge or that look Nancy would give her.

"Right right sorry, it sounds like hell but I'll go if Nance goes" Robin groans leaning her back against the counter.

"We could just close up now, nobody is gonna be here on a Tuesday, this is just sad" Steve says gesturing around at the empty store.

So the four of them agreed and headed for Hawkins high after they had went home to pack a bag for the overnight. Robin had made sure to pack her own pyjamas that didn't stick to her skin and made her feel suffocated. She knew she wasn't going to borrow Nancys pink pyjamas ever again.
Once they got to the high school they were greeted by Eddie and some of the kids. They were all forced to be there and they saw a few people who offered to chaperone the overnight.

Robin thought to herself why would any past student offer to come back here? It was absolute hell when Robin attended this school but not everyone made every situation as cripplingly awkward as robin did.

She was hoping nobody she knew would attend this but then again, nobody with an actual life would come back here. The thought of her past classmates made her shudder, she hated every single one of them. Even Steve harrington, she used to tell her friends that he would never change but now they were best friends. Oh how times have changed.

They walked over to the group of people they were familiar with Eddie, Mike, Lucas and max. As always max looked like she wanted to kill everyone in this room, she didn't come here willingly that's for sure.

They watched as Lucas was trying to make small talk with her and failing miserably. It was clear to everyone Lucas missed her but max didn't feel like talking to anyone. The group have worried about her since Billy's death, she's not been the same.

Robin was still scanning the room in fear that she might know people here, it always made her anxious to come back to this place. Hopefully this overnight wouldn't turn out as bad as Robin believes it would, but nothing can be perfect, especially in robin buckleys life.

(A/N for all of you who thought I was joking about absolutely devastating you, I definitely wasn't. This is gonna be a rollercoaster, hang tight. Stay safe my lovelies <3)

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