Someone I recognise

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Everyone has been catching up with the rest of the group but robin started to feel like she was floating again, away from the group. She always felt so isolated compared to everyone else.

Then she caught something out of the corner of her eye. Is that Tammy Thompson? No it can't be, robin must have just been seeing things because of everything that has happened recently.

Tammy didn't even live in Hawkins anymore, so for her to be at this overnight would be completely crazy, borderline stalker behaviour. Robin wasn't about to give her that much credit, all Tammy was, is a bad singer.

She felt someone touch her arm which made her turn around. It's only nancy, she needed to stop being so paranoid. "Are you okay robin?" Nancy asked looking worried, robins been a little off recently with very good reason.

Robin just nodded and gave her a little smile, the girls hated how careful they had to be tonight. This was a very public event and the slightest mistake could give people the wrong idea. They weren't ready to be shunned out of Hawkins for being the town lesbians.

Steve had walked off somewhere with Eddie, Robin didn't even want to think about what they were really doing but she knew it had nothing to do with the science project.

Nancy forced robin to help Dustin with his project, that's why they were there after all. So after a lot of complaining she finally walked up to Dustin and asked what his science project was about.

While robin and Dustin were talking about it Nancy noticed something too. It was Tammy Thompson, she had another thing coming if she thought she could show up here after her little stunt at the library.

She looked very out of place here, she didn't look like she was helping anyone. Tammy just looked around the room as if she was looking for something or..someone.

Nancy had enough with tammys bullshit, she didn't want to start fights but she knew she had to stand her ground, she knew what Tammy was trying to do.

So before she knew what she was doing she started to walk over to Tammy. When Tammy had noticed her she looked a little nervous, Nancy didn't exactly look friendly right now but who would be with all the stunts she's tried to pull with Robin.

"Oh Nancy hey I haven't seen you since-" Tammy started but Nancy cut her off "save it, just back off alright? It's pathetic" she said biting the corner of her lip.

Nancy hated conflict but it had to be done, she didn't have any time for the nervous feeling to kick in because her frustration took over. Tammy Thompson was trying to take robin away, her girlfriend.

She heard Tammy try and spit out some kind of excuse saying she didn't know what Nancy was talking about but she didn't stay to listen. She laughed and walked away, did Tammy really think she could come here with the intention of talking to Robin and then lie to Nancys face?

She may have been known as the good girl in high school but she was not going to be taken for an idiot. She didn't care what kind of excuse came out of tammys mouth she wasn't buying it.

She watched as robins eyes lit up when she saw her walking back "look nance! I helped with his project watch this!" Robin said excitedly grabbing Nancys arm and taking her to see the project.

After robin had shown her, they all watched as Steve and Eddie walked back "robin did you know miss piggy is here?" He says sarcastically and gestures over to Tammy with his eyes. She looked like she was nervously trying to pretend she was doing something.

Robin, Steve and Nancy all knew Tammy was up to something, there was a reason she came here and it wasn't for the science project. On the other hand, Eddie didn't even know who the hell tammy Thompson was or what any of them were talking about.

Robins eyes widened, she realised she wasn't seeing things and it really was Tammy Thompson. Did this mean she was stalking her, or was it just a really weird coincidence?

Robin had explained to Steve and Eddie everything that Tammy had been doing recently and how weird it was that she was now here, it didn't look like she was with anyone either. It was really starting to creep Robin out.

The night had only begun it was 6:37pm and they were stuck in that high school until 10am the next morning so robin was stuck in here, with Tammy Thompson.

A lot could happen in that amount of time and robin was starting to regret coming here. She just wanted to be with Nancy, why was Tammy so persistent with this? She just hoped nothing else would happen but she knew that wasn't the case.

(A/N this is gonna be one dramatic overnight, you guys keep begging me to be joking but I'm not. Grab the tissues this should be fun, stay safe my lovelies <3)

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