The intruder

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It's been a few weeks since the last time robin had seen Nancy. Recently she had been thinking about that day in her room. Nancy asking to play her cassette, robin smiling, getting nervous, blushing and looking away.

It was all so confusing but she didn't know why. Maybe this was Nancys plan to mess with her head, she didn't even know why it bothered her but she started questioning every single thing Nancy said and did.

She didn't want to ask Steve about Nancy incase he thought she cared or something because why would robin care? This had to just be her brain doing what it usually does. Making her overthink.

Once she finally got the thought of Nancy wheeler out of her head she heard the front door open. This would be completely fine if her parents weren't on a business trip for another week.

Robin looks around her room for something, anything she could use if there really was an intruder. She couldn't find anything so she thought if worse came to worse she would be able to punch them in the face.

She tries to walk quietly down the steps but ends up falling down the stairs "oh fuck!" She sits on the ground rubbing her scratched knee, if there was an intruder they would've got spooked and ran away or stabbed her by now so she gets up to turn on the lights and sees Nancy standing by the door.

"Nance what are you-" Robin notices there's tears streaming down her face. Oh god she's crying. Robin really wasn't good handling anybodys emotions so she wasn't going to be much help especially when the person standing by her front door crying is Nancy wheeler.

Robin takes Nancy upstairs and sits her down on the bed "did something happen?" She asks, confused on why Nancy went to robin when she was upset, they have only met three times.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't of came here, it's just I couldn't go to Steve because you can't tell your ex that you and your boyfriend broke up and-"

Robin sighs and nods. Of course, Nancy wheeler is here for boy problems. This was definitely not robins strong point. "Oh yeah Johnathan, did something happen? Well obviously it did because you broke up, oh god I'm not helping am I?" She mumbled putting her hands over her face.

Before she could move her hands away Nancy started hugging her and Robin didn't really know what to do so she awkwardly patted her back "it'll be..okay?" She says, confused on how to handle the conversation, nobody came to her when they were upset so she didn't know how to react but she didn't want to come off as a jerk.

"I mean I broke up with him, I know that but still..he's in California what was I supposed to do?" Nancy mumbled laying her head on robins shoulder.

Robin just kept patting her back "do you wanna.." robin hesitates then sighs "stay here tonight?"

She just nods looking at Robin sadly "if you want me to leave I can, I know you don't like me" Nancy says wiping the tears away from her face.

Robin felt bad for her so she let her stay, as much as she hated the idea and even saying it out loud made her want to eject herself out of her body. "It's fine, I don't..hate you" Robin whispers saying it through gritted teeth.

For the next hour it consisted of Nancy crying and robin awkwardly patting her back. Maybe she just felt bad for her but when she looked at the girl she used to hate she doesn't know what she feels towards her anymore, maybe it was just pity.

A few hours later Nancy felt a little better, she never thought robin was the one she would've turned to when she was this upset but she didn't have anywhere else to go and as visibly awkward as robin was she definitely did help.

Nancy looks up at robin and half smiles "you aren't terrible in band" she laughs sitting in the corner of robins bed looking over at her, she was sitting directly across from robin, there was barely any space between them.

She laughs and rolls her eyes "well thank you, I only joined band in the hope that maybe one day the great Nancy wheeler would compliment me" the ironic thing was Robin never really understood sarcasm but her whole personality consisted of it.

They sit there laughing and talking for what feels like an eternity before Nancy eventually got so tired from all the crying she fell asleep leaning onto robins shoulder. Robin just smiled and laid her down covering her with a blanket. She was being weirdly nice to Nancy but she couldn't figure out why.

Hopefully soon she would figure out what was going on between the two of them.

(A/N you can tell I really like this story when I'm writing multiple chapters a day, I hope you enjoy it! Stay safe my lovelies <3)

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