The dance

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It was weeks after the sleepover and robin got called into school because they needed some extra chaperones so they asked past students. She obviously didn't agree with the whole idea but the kids wanted robin at the dance and said it would be 'fun' she agreed but knew that it would be anything but fun.

She was putting up decorations for the dance, groaning to herself and thinking about everything she could be doing if she wasn't here. "You know, everyone knows" robin whipped her head around to see where the voice was coming from.

Tammy Thompson. "Oh Tammy? Everyone Knows about what?" Robin raises an eyebrow looking confused, why would Tammy drive from out of town to come to this shitty high school dance?

Tammy bent down to grab decorations from out of the box beside robin "about you and wheeler, I mean I don't mind the whole thing"

Robin let out a sigh of relief, atleast Tammy wasn't going to give her shit for being into girls "well thanks-" she got cut off as Tammy continues to talk.

"But you do realise Nancy is only using you as a rebound? I mean come on it's obvious, how long was she broken up with her boyfriend before you guys started dating?"

The realisation starts to kick in the more Tammy continues to talk. Nancy couldn't possibly be using robin for a rebound could she? She obviously didn't want to believe it but she's never had luck with a love life so this is exactly something that would happen to robin. Maybe Nancy didn't really like her at all.

Had she opened up to her for nothing? Came to her house late at night because of fucking thunder? The room started spinning and so did robins head. She couldn't focus on anything, Robin thought everything was going great and this felt like an iceberg to the titanic.

She didn't want to believe it, but was there the smallest chance Tammy was right? Did everyone else see this but robin? God, she was such an idiot.

She shook her head continuing to put up the decorations for the dance, she refused to believe it but she had that tiny doubt that Tammy had just planted in the back of her head.

"Believe me or don't, it doesn't change the truth buckley" Tammy mutters as she shrugs and walks away to the other side of the room to put up more decorations.
Later that night kids had started piling into the room. They turned on the music and the lights, everyone seemed to be having such a great time, that is everyone except robin.

She didn't want to believe it, why should she believe Tammy Thompson? But there was always a tiny voice at the back of her head saying what if she's right robin? What if Nancy is using you?

This made her spiral even more, she started thinking maybe everything Nancy said was a lie. How did she know what to believe? She was such an idiot for being so trusting. maybe Nancy thought she was broken too, just like her mother had said.

She was right, nobody could ever love a girl like robin buckley. It was all an illusion, a lie. Such a beautiful lie that Robin so desperately wanted to believe, but she needed a reality check. Things don't work out that well for people like robin in Hawkins.

She leaned against the wall watching all the kids having a good time, dancing with people they liked. Maybe they were lying to eachother too, how could you trust anybody without the evidence to back it up? Just like the rumours at Hawkins. Nothings real.

She saw Dustin run up to her so she plastered a fake smile on her face for him, she had gotten pretty good at that throughout high school. "Sup kid" she said saluting at him.

He looked so happy it nearly made some of that emotion rub off on robin. It would be nice if the world worked that way. "You like my hair? Steve helped, pretty good right?" She heard Dustin say as he gestured to his hair.

Robin nodded and laughed "it looks great! Atleast that dingus is good for something, you're lucky you got me to come here, I'm practically dying!" She says dramatically, putting the back of her hand on her forehead and leaning back.

That made them both laugh and Dustin glances back at the dance floor "I gotta go but try not to threaten the kids please!" He smiles and runs back onto the dance floor, he looked so happy and full of life it almost made robin want to melt. If only she could have that.

Just as she was staring at the kids dancing she heard the doors open so she looks over to see who it was. Nancy wheeler, oh great just what I need right now.

(A/N come on you didn't think this whole fanfic was going to be happy? If you've read any of my fanfics you know I gotta add a little angst and conflict! I'll pay for your therapy, stay safe my lovelies<3)

No luck// RONANCE Where stories live. Discover now