Minimum wage

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Nancy and Robin had been spending a lot of time together recently but the girls didn't seem to mind. Steve on the other hand, he was getting a little too suspicious. It just seemed weird that one minute robin couldn't stand Nancy and now they spent every second they could together.

Steve and Robin were in his car driving to the video store for their 9am shift. "So what's exactly going on between you and Nancy?" He raises an eyebrow, he wasn't accusing her but he could already see where this was going.

"Nothing, she likes being around me what can I say? I have a natural charm unlike some people" she side eyes Steve while fixing her mascara in the car.

They both briefly laugh as Steve keeps his eyes on the road "seriously robin, if you wanna tell me something you can. I don't care if she's my ex, I'm dating someone remember?"

"Oh yes mystery person you still won't tell me about" she replies sarcastically and tucks her mascara in her back pocket "I still call dibs that it's Munson" she raises an eyebrow accusingly.

Steve's face heats up as he parks outside the video store "okay but you can't tell anyone. Clear?" He waits for her to nod then continues "its Eddie, it's not like I expected to date a guy and especially not the freak but if anyone would get that it's you because of you and Nancy-"

Robin cuts Steve off and raises an eyebrow "me and Nancy? There is no me and Nancy okay? She's straight Steve- not to say that I like her because I don't!" She was getting a little too defensive and Steve noticed so he just left it alone for now.

They get out of the car and open up the store, it was going to be a slow day because nobody ever rents out video tapes on a Tuesday morning. Robin would've probably died of boredom by now if she didn't have her best friend working beside her.

She had to beg the manager to let Steve work here, they had both interviewed for the job and everyone loved Robin, she just had something about her that would work out great for the business but Steve on the other hand. He could barely name three of his favourite movies and the titles he chose were just embarrassing to say the least.

But Robin was stubborn so here they are, working at a minimum wage shitty video tape store. In Hawkins you would take what you could get because typically it wasn't very much.

The sound of the bell on the front door announcing someone's arrival brought them both out of their thoughts. Who would be here to rent a tape at 9am? Robin looked up from the counter and of course she saw, Nancy wheeler.

This wasn't going to help her case against Steve that there was nothing going on between the two of them but robin couldn't help but smile. Why was she smiling for someone like Nancy wheeler? Nobody knows. That is except Steve, you could tell he had an idea by the smug look on his face but robin chose to ignore it.

"Oh uh- hi nance" Robin said slightly fixing her hair. Hm, that was weird robin wasn't the type of person to care about her appearance for just about anyone.

Nancy smiled and moved closer to the counter "I just wanted to know if uh, well this is weird but my parents saw you at the house and assumed we're friends..they wanted to know if you would come for dinner but if we aren't friends that's oka-"

Robin cut her off and grabbed Nancys hand without realising what she was doing "stop worrying nance, I'd love to" the two girls stood there staring at eachother in silence, that was until Steve started talking.

"So you and Robin are good friends, right?" He smirks side eying robin seeing her expression. The expression she would do often that said don't push it harrington, stop talking or I'll kill you.

Nancy didn't catch on to what Steve was insinuating "well, I think so? Are we friends Robin?" She smiled turning her head to look at the girl who seemed to be glued to the spot.

Her body seized up and she gulped "uh yeah..I guess?" She said quietly. There it was again, Robin stumbling on her words when Nancy was around. Nancy was her weakness, her kryptonite.

The three of them awkwardly sat there and small talked which robin hated before nancy left the store. As soon as she did robin could feel Steve's smug smirk.

"So you're good friends?" He says teasingly, he knew exactly what was going on even if the girls hadn't figured that out yet. Robin nudged him so hard he nearly fell over "shut up dingus! That is definitely not what's happening here!"

Steve throws his hands up in defence "if you say so Buckley, use protection" he winks and walks to the other end of the store.

She stood there shaking her head. Steve was so unbelievable, there was no way that was what's happening, Nancy didn't like Robin and Robin didn't like her..did she?

(A/N I am going to try and write more, I really love it. I love adding suspense even though I know you guys hate it, suspense makes a good story now stay safe my lovelies! <3)

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