The library

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Later in the week robin had decided to walk to the library since she clearly wasn't getting any peace at home with her mom blasting Fleetwood mac from downstairs. She was sick of her house smelling of weed so she needed to go somewhere, even for a few hours.

Now her mother was starting to act like her normal self again, she got pretty used to this in high school. She could never turn to her mom when she had a problem because most of the time her mom was stoned but she preferred that to when she wasn't because then she got mean and cold.

But now robin was in the closest library she could find to her house, but it was still pretty far away. Once she had got there she pulled out her cassette player that already had a language tape inside. Yes, even years after high school robin still listened to these tapes in fear that she would forget how to speak it.

She was mouthing the French words she heard the lady say into her headphones as she stared off into the distance. She was so focused on getting the pronunciation right that she didn't even realise someone sit next to her.

Only when they started to speak did robin take her headphones to find out who it was. Unfortunately, it was Tammy Thompson. She seemed to be everywhere Robin was recently, Robin started to think she was stalking her but then shook that silly thought out of her head because she was just being stupid, right?

Tammy gave Robin a warm smile and started to talk "hey Robin, here alone?" She heard her whisper while feeling tammys hand move up her thigh. No there was no way this was happening, what was Tammy trying to do?

Robins eyes widened as she tried to slightly move away "T-Tammy I didn't know if you knew and Nancy are still together" robin whispered a little more harshly than intended.

She watched as Tammy just shook her head "well where is wheeler now hm? She can't see us" she shrugged with a grin spreading across her face. Robin just couldn't figure out why Tammy was trying so hard now, she never got the smallest insinuation that Tammy had any interest in her before this.

For a moment, robin shut her eyes tight as if it would take her far away from Tammy, and her hand still sliding up her thigh. Everything in her mind started to tilt and she didn't know what to do, she just wanted to run out of there but she also felt like her legs were glued to the floor.

That's when she finally snapped, that little bubble in her head grew and grew until she couldn't hold her words in any longer "why are you acting like you're interested in me? Is this just a joke to you? Am I the joke? If you really cared you wouldn't of just sat there while your friends called me a dyke, and it's not to say you weren't outspoken because everyone knew you were! So please Tammy, just leave me alone. I don't want you trying to get in my pants!"

Robin could feel herself rambling but she couldn't seem to stop, she felt the words rolling off her tongue but she felt like she had no control of her body or her mind. She knew the unspoken social rules and she was definitely not following them right now.

She watched as tammys face changed, she didn't look hurt just shocked. Shocked that Robin would say that, not a lot of people in Hawkins actually speak their minds in fear of the backlash they might get because of it but Robin seemed to have no control over it.

Tammy tried to shake the feeling off as she moved closer to Robin about to say something but Robin moved back. Why did Tammy look so desperate? She felt like this was a social experiment, like she was the social experiment. She was the town lesbian for everyone to poke and pry at.

But she knew her worth and who actually loved her. She wasn't going to fall into a trap, no matter how tempting it was to believe the lie. High school robin would've done anything for this type of recognition from Tammy Thompson, but this felt fake. It wasn't real.

She quickly got up, stumbling off her chair and grabbed her Walkman before running out of the library. She didn't think about it for a second and ran straight to Nancys house. She didn't know what she was going to say but she knew she needed to see her, she just wanted Tammy to leave her alone and that's not something she'd ever think she would say.

(A/N trust me the drama has only started! This is gonna get so good trust me, stay safe my lovelies <3)

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