The end

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There wasn't much more to say about robin and Nancy, they had their fights but they didn't last very long. Robin was always in Nancys house since she couldn't stand to be in her own. It was too quiet.

And Nancy finally opened up to robin, turns out she wasn't the priss who got everything handed to her, everyone was wrong about her but atleast she had robin.

Nancy realised that all the things said about Eddie were just more of Hawkins rumours set out to ruin someone's life for no reason at all. Over the summer the four of them got really close.

In the end robin got her trip to Europe with someone, someone she never would've thought she would even talk to. She had been planning this since highschool, yeah it didn't work out back then but maybe there was a reason it didn't.

Because she didn't have Nancy wheeler, she wasn't all that bad of a travel partner either, even if Nancy did eat half of her croissant every morning.

In highschool robin would constantly daydream about getting as far away from Hawkins as she could but now when she had the choice they both returned, because now she had family.

She realised her parents weren't really her family, if they were she wouldn't of wanted to leave so badly but now she had Steve, Eddie and Nancy. She even started to like the kids even if they did bother her constantly.

Problems don't just go away instantly and the girls knew that but they had eachother and they didn't feel like they had to hide anything anymore, Nancy wasn't in love an alternate version of robin, she was loving her for who she was even if she was dorky most of the time.

But things were going too perfect. They were both stupid to think they could escape the Hawkins monster, just because they were out of highschool didn't mean it wasn't lurking behind them.

It was one of the hottest days of the year and the four of them were sitting at the edge of Steve's pool in his back garden. Robin tried not to make any snarky comments about the fact he had a pool, of course he did he's a rich boy. But she knew he had changed, he wasn't such a douche anymore.

The rest of them had jumped in the pool and robin was at the edge getting ready to join them "rob cmon!" She heard Eddie shout, already in the water. She was getting ready to dive when she heard it. A clock.

(A/N i like ending things on a cliffhanger for you to make theories about it, you'll probably kill me though. Stay safe my lovelies, until the next fanfic)

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