The past is calling

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Robin stood outside her front door for a moment preparing herself for having to go in and deal with her mothers comments. She didn't like being home at all and now her mom was calling Nancys phone? It's not like amber Buckley was thrilled for some mother daughter bonding time.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she walked in, she was greeted by her mother already on the other side of the door waiting for her. "What took you so long?"

Robin rolled her eyes taking her shoes off "Nancys house is at the other side of town, did you want me to teleport here?" Robin and her mom didn't get along very well.

Amber had her arms crossed tightly to her chest "there's no need with the attitude, now how's that going to get you a nice man hm?" This was always something her mom would bring up, getting a boyfriend. It was one of the reasons robin was so cold with her mother, it was weird that her mom called her home when she's never cared where she was before. Most nights she didn't even care if she got home.

Robin had to make a second key just so she wouldn't get locked out of her house at night. "Why do you care so much about my love life? Like I said in high school and like I'm saying now my life doesn't depend on some guy taking interest in me" robin was trying to hide the annoyance in her voice but she wasn't doing a very good job.

"Not with that attitude you won't" her mother said walking over to robin and straightening your shirt "with messy clothes like that you're going to look like a boy, dear."

Robin used all her strength not to argue back with her, she knew it wouldn't get her anywhere. She got her stubbornness from her mother. "I'm just gonna go to sleep early" robin muttered pulling away from her moms grasp.

Before she could hear her respond she turned towards the stairs and headed to her bedroom. She didn't get why her mom asked her home for no reason at all, maybe she didn't like Nancy wheeler because it definitely wasn't because she cared for her daughter.
Robin was laying on her bed annoyed that her mother pried her away from Nancys house for no apparent reason at all. She started to close her eyes when she heard the phone beside her bed ring. Oh that must be Nancy! Robin thought to herself before picking up the phone.

But it wasn't Nancys voice who she heard on the other side of the phone, it was Tammy Thompson. "Tammy?" Robin asked, unsure if she heard it right or if she was imagining things.

It really was Tammy on the other end of the phone. "Yeah hey Robin, you doing okay? I heard about the fight with wheeler?" She said faking the concern that was heard in her voice. Tammy didn't care about Nancy, it was all just part of her plan but Robin didn't know that.

"Oh yeah! We're alright now though" robin said, completely oblivious to what Tammy was trying to do. She was trying to split Nancy and Robin up.

But all Robin could think about was how nancy had just told her she loved her. She must have zoned out and Tammys voice started to get muffled in her ears. "Why don't you come over robin?" That sentence brought her back to reality, had robin heard her correctly?

"What? You want me to come over?" She repeated back to her, still confused on what Tammy had meant.

"Yeah maybe you could forget about nancy all together" she heard the girl on the other end whisper, Robin completely froze and didn't know what to do. After the years robin was left miserable in high school because Tammy didn't like her back, why did she now want her?

Was she trying to mess with her head, Robin just didn't understand what Tammy was trying to do. She knew she was with nancy but she was still trying to tell Robin to forget about her? Was this what she was trying to do all along?

"No uh gotta take my grandmother to" Robin said quickly and put the phone down. What an excuse Robin, real smooth.

She didn't understand why Tammy was doing this now, couldn't she see that she was happy. After all this time why now was she doing this, it made no sense. Robin tried to fall asleep that night but that phone call kept her awake, she normally had the answers but this time she just couldn't figure it out.

(A/N yeah more drama, I'm not even gonna apologise. Stay safe my lovelies<3)

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