Avoiding her

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Robin had basically been ignoring Nancy since the incident. What was she supposed to do? Actually confront the situation? That wasn't going to happen.

She spent most nights hiding at Steve's house incase Nancy tried to show up at hers because she knew Nancy was just as stubborn as robin. She would hunt her down if she had to but robin didn't want to face the situation, not right now.

She wasn't ready to talk about what had happened, the kiss. Robin didn't even know what she would say to Nancy, did she really like her? Of course she did that's why she kissed her but did Nancy like her back?

For the rest of the week robin sat in Steve's room complaining about the whole situation "I mean what am I supposed to do? I always know what to say but this..this time it's different Steve I get this weird feeling when I'm around her, like I'm nervous but not really-"

Steve started to laugh "awww you're in love!" He shouts messing up robins hair as she shoves him away.

"Am not!" She scrunches her eyebrows together and shoved him once again. She couldn't be in love with Nancy wheeler..could she?

Before she could get another thought in Steve's phone started to ring. It was probably just one of the kids so robin lay back on the bed letting out a sigh. She was completely hopeless when it came to her love life.

Steve answered the phone then quickly jolted his head at robin when he realised who was calling, Robin knew by the expression on Steve's face who it was. It was Nancy wheeler.

"Hey Steve um have you seen robin? I haven't heard from her in like a week and I'm getting kinda worried" Steve looked over at robin, he didn't know wether he was supposed to lie or tell Nancy the truth.

Robin aggressively shook her head "tell her I'm not here! You haven't seen me!" She whisper shouted but it was loud enough for Nancy to hear.

"Whaaaatt? Robin here? No I have a lady in my bed" Steve was such a bad liar it was unbearable at this point so robin just grabbed the phone and took a deep breath "hey nance.."

"Did I scare you? I didn't mean to..we can forget the entire thing happened!" Nancy sounded desperate at this point, did she really care that much?

Robin shook her head even though Nancy couldn't see it "we can't forget it happened Nancy.." she pauses and whispers the next part "we both know it happened" robin started shaking her head thinking about how much she fucked up what she had with nancy.

"But is that such a bad thing? Let me come over or we could go out somewhere? Come on please rob" robin couldn't help but smile, she really did like nancy, more than she wanted to.

"Okay uh yeah I'll meet you outside Steve's house?" She could hear Nancys excitement through the phone "be there in five!" She heard the phone drop then a click, the line went dead.

"Oh god shit shit shit, what have I done" robin jumped off Steve's bed and started to rush to get her shoes on. She fixed her hair probably a million times in the mirror before she turned to look at Steve "this is a good idea right? I look good?"

Steve laughed and nodded "you look fine robin, everything will be fine it's only Nancy-" they got cut off by a knock at the door, Robin rushed to answer it but it wasn't who she had expected. It was Jason carver, Robin couldn't help but gulp. What was he doing here?

"Oh Jason? I'm sorry I really gotta go-" she tried to spit out some excuse, the few times she's come into contact with Jason carver it hasn't gone very well.

"I knew you'd be here, hiding behind Harrington huh?" Jason was smiling but it looked more menacing than comforting. "I don't-" Robin was trying to tell him she didn't have a clue what he was talking about.

"You like hitting on my friends girlfriend? You dyke." He spat at her and robin just stood there in shock "excuse me?" She moved her hand behind her back to stop it from shaking.

"Vickie, everyone has saw you at band practice. It's bad enough being a dyke but then being so obvious about it, it's like you want to get beat up" he started laughing but nothing that he said was funny.

"Jason really I didn't, can you just fuck off? I've barely said two words to Vickie" she closed the door and started to walk off when Jason grabbed her arm.

"Everyone knows robin, that you're a filthy. Fucking dyke." That word kept being thrown around like it was nothing, Robin hated that word.

"FUCK OFF JASON! ITS NOT MY FAULT CRISSY IS DEAD!" she seemed taken back herself that she had just said that, she didn't mean it. She barely knew Chrissy but that girl didn't deserve what had happened to her.

That really angered Jason, his face looked like it twisted into this completely different guy, a guy robin has never seen. She knew she had fucked up.

(A/N I love adding conflict into my fanfics I'm so sorry I'll have to pay for your therapy, stay safe my lovelies <3)

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